{"I like you"}

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*hey this is like you meeting. I already made one of you guys meeting when he was alive so I thought I would make it where he was dead in this one. Once's again this is based of another story I read awhile ago."

Tate x reader
That was it. Two weeks after moving into the "Murder House", you were finally done unpacking your things. thank go you thought. Your room was decorated just the way you wanted, and you finally could take a nap. you plopped down on your bed and took a few seconds to look at the light up ceiling. One more look at your room and your gaze felt on your stereo. After a few seconds staring at it, you jumped on your feet to turn on the machine and put in your favorite CDs, a Nirvana one. When the notes of "Lake of Fire" started to resonate around your bedroom, you started to dance, not giving a damn about anything.
Truth is, you didn't really care about anything in general. You were the one who convinced your parents to live here, knowing you'd have to face every single problem by yourself. They were not really good parents, and the further they would be from you, the better your life would be. At least, that's how you saw it. Since you moved here, you never were alone. You knew living here was a big risk, but you had a very...different  approach to risks and more generally, to the death risk . To you, death was just a state coming after the "alive" state. Because, if a dead man doesn't suffer, why should the living cry for him? Dead people were in a better, we're in a happier place, or so you thought.
Even though you didn't really care about risks, you had made researches, since your first visit of the house. You knew the names of all of the previous owners and all of their stories, from Charles and Nora Montgomery to the Harmons. You knew every story, just to be sure to get on as well as you could with everyone. Which may sound crazy. Who would want to befriend an army of ghosts? Well, you did. And that was the truth. You had already met some of them, in the first two weeks. First, there was Chad. You couldn't know for sure, but you thought he kind of liked you, since you asked for his help to decorate the house. And there was Violet. The cool ghost girl who lived and died here just before you moved in. She was cool to hang out with, and she even helped you taking care of your boxes all around the house. She was very helpful.
Still dancing in your room, your gaze finally met another one, through the mirror you were moving in front of. He was a few inches away from you, the eyes turned to look at all of your CDs. You turned around to realize the presence of a young man, around your age. You smiled lightly and blushed, a little embarrassed by what the boy had just witnessed.

"Well, that's...Awkward. Can I help you?"

His nearly emotionless face turned towards you, and the guy offered a small smile before going back to his visit of what used to be his bedroom. He looked interesting.

"I'm Tate. I live a little further down the street, so I wanted to welc..."

He was interrupted by a chuckle, and you shook your head from left to right, before you walked towards your stereo, lowering the volume. You then looked at him arms crossed, and smiled with amusement.

"Violet already tried this one. But I've read about you, Tate Langdon. You're the guy who did the shooting at the school, right?"you asked him.

He was now looking at you, visibly upset. You looked at him, curious, before speaking, to get him to relax.

"Hey, don't be upset. I don't really mind. I'm (Y/N) by the way."
"You...You don't mind?"

His brows were furrowed in questioning and you smiled, sitting on your bed.

"Nah, I don't really care. I mean, killing people is wrong, but this house could drive anyone totally nuts. I also learnt a little bit about your family, so...Yep, I can understand why you became a psychopath." You said truthful.
"A psychopath? You just meant me, how could you know if I really am??"
"I can't. But Violet's father thinks you are one apparently, so I though it could be the right word. Isn't it?"
"I don't really know."

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