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"Hey, mister? Got a spare minute?"

The first words I'd heard from the man who's been loitering in front of the building I lease for the past four mouths.

'Hey, mister? Got a spare minute?'

He didn't ask for change, a smile, or even a second glance.

Just a minute of my time.

And there's a lull in business, there always is during the afternoon hours on weekdays. People have work. School.

Except Jangles. He's here, as if this is all he does everyday. He sits on the curb, sometimes against the wall of the building, with the same guitar, same scruffy hair. Different melodies and tunes. Sometimes Beatles. Sometimes Chili Peppers. An original, or maybe something I've just never heard.

And sometimes, he'll sing. Rarely.

This is how he spends his time.

And this is how I'll spend mine.

So I say, "Yeah," and I plant myself on the curb next to him with a curious smile creeping onto my face while he avoids my eyes at all costs, "Yeah, I guess I've got a spare minute or two."

And he says with a mumble in his tone, "Then I guess I better not waste your time," He drums his fingers on his guitar and a hollow tune rings in the air. Jangles.. I wonder why Hayley chose to call him that over anything else. Maybe because Mystery Guitar Man's too easy and definitely taken.

"I don't really have anything-"

He shushes me. Not to be mean.

"Just listen."

Just to listen.


actual written chapters every ten chapters!

they'll be relatively short, but provide more plot than a picture and comments and dms.

that's the goal😆


Boulevard Dreamer (Ryden) Where stories live. Discover now