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you kinda live with me now so i don't know why i'm texting you from the other room

yeah, that's strange to me, too
is this about brendon?

when do i shut up about him nowadays?

i'll get back to you when i figure it out

gotta say
i feel shitty about my thing with him
it's barely even a thing
but i feel bad about it


brendon's good nature's rubbing off on me

or you were an okay person this whole time? like
we don't have to rule that out

i just
i don't want dallon to find out about brendon just because he accidentally snuck a peek at brendon's phone
i want to do this right



literally how are you not a good person?

your boss is cheating on his fiancée with me
im not exactly person of the year

you're trying to get better
that's what i'm getting at

like i said
he's rubbing off on me

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