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grr3 wants to message you!
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thanks for not calling the cops on me for these last few months
that's pretty cool of you


in the flesh and on your screen

oh okay😂
then it's np
can i ask you something while i've got you here?

captive audience
ha, sure

what does your username mean?

just my initials

how do /you/ spell ryan?

like that^^
it's my middle name

what's your full name?

it's just twenty questions with you, huh?
alright, i'll trade you for yours since we're swapping info

brendon boyd urie✌️

george ryan ross iii at your service
or maybe my own bc someone just gave me a dollar for doing nothing

you don't play for cash?

i play for me
if people happen to listen, then..
how serendipitous
now, mr. urie, shouldn't you be getting back to your business?


you didn't do anything wrong|
no harm, no foul
wouldn't want you to waste your time on little nobodies like me, that's all

beats having nothing to do|


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