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hey B
what's up dallon told me you were having a rough day

guess i just caught a bug that was going around
i'll be fine dw😝



you're literally never sick
whats up?


why are you stressed?

bc i feel like the world's worst person😅

h o w? you're you

i dunno..

okay what am i even for if you can't talk to me?
is this about ryan?


that's a yes
what happened?

you can't tell anyone😅

who would i tell?😆

i might've
like totally maybe
kissed ryan?
and now im stuck bc
it never felt like that with dallon and i've felt so horrible for not telling him
and i threw up for the first time since like..
freshman year of college

classy bren
real classy😂

you're not gonna kill me?

no dude of course im upset don't get me wrong
but that's not gonna help fix this
is it?

god i never meant for any of this to happen

you haven't told dallon anything?

how could i?
it'd kill him
and he'd kill me

do i think not telling him is the answer? no
do i think what you did was particularly right? not really
i do think that a part of him big or small is always gonna love you no matter what you do
but you gotta tell him

i know
i will

i gotchu B
if you need me i'm there

Boulevard Dreamer (Ryden) Where stories live. Discover now