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so um|
why did you kiss me?|
can we talk?|

you wanna talk about why i kissed you

a little bit😂

first of all, i'm terribly sorry for kissing you

it's okay. ish.

second of all, i'm not sorry i did it

i'm so confused

take a number

what? ryan what's going on?

i'm a cat person
new cat, captain knots


oh, one more thing


i'm gay
that's a new development in my life, i guess

oh well cool😆

...you're really not putting two and two together here, are you?

sorry😂 ive just been kinda all over the place since.. dallon proposed to me this morning after you left

of course he did|
ah, so you're getting married?

i don't know
i didn't give him a straight answer

i don't know how you could

omfg shut up you know what i mean😝
but yeah i didn't know what to tell him
bc you kissed me
and now i don't know what to do

like i said, i'm sorry but i'm not sorry

i get why you're sorry
but why /aren't/ you sorry?

my first kiss with a guy could've been a lot worse

i was your first guy kiss???😱
i mean i'm honoured😆
but don't do that
to me or to yourself okay?

don't do what?

kiss me
not until i figure all of this out

that was phrased like some kind of offer for the future

i just..
i just don't want you to catch feelings for me
at least not now

too late|
yeah, you're probably right

anyway gotta go talk to m'boy

have fun with that

oh yeah thanks to you i just might😝

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