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you stalking me, mr. urie?

whaaaaat would give you that crazy idea?

ha, relax
it's just sarcasm
can't hurt ya, just might confuse you a bit
exhibit a

i just wondered about you
i don't have much else to do😅

but, hey
you're a good guy
the universe tends to reward guys like you in due time
even if the reward is a brief reprieve from boredom

can i talk to you?

i'm not sure what you call what you've been doing for the last few minutes
but, uh

what do you do when you don't know what to do?

i stay very quiet
and i listen
i don't have all the answers
maybe someone else does

i just
i love what i do
i don't wanna lose it y'know?

why would you lose it?
what happened?


brendon, you haven't used emojis this entire time
you're upset
you can be upset, i won't charge you for it

and it took you this long to call me brendon

do you actually know how to play chess?

that's not the point😆

got my answer anyway
i know what you meant
still gonna call you mr. urie

i figured😋

someone's about to walk in
just so you know

yeah i see💫

happy to be of service
and just so you're aware
you don't have to stalk my account just to find stuff out about me
just talk to me



this is the result of me writing most of this chapter with ryan being bold and bren being italics and i was in too deep to change it😆


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