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"Explain to me again why I have fans because that's the part I'm having trouble with."

Look, my semi-popular account has some fans that pop in, and of course I appreciate anyone who gives me the time of day, but I'm much more well known as some scruffy guy who's associated with the lovable Arizona underdog known as Brendon Urie.


That guy I'm dating.

Which is wild to me. Hope it's a bit of a curveball to you.

But it seems as if everyone else knows everything before me.

That's alright. I ended up with him and who could ask for any more than him?

"Okay, so remember high school?" Like any sane person, I try to forget about high school the moment I took off my cap and gown. So.. Vaguely, "It's kinda like you're.. cool by association, if that makes sense?" It doesn't, Bren. You forget that I haven't been in a high school in almost ten years. God, I'm old. And I really don't wanna go to my high school reunion next year, "Like, we're dating, except no one's figured that out somehow," He giggles like it's some silly thought because we're being so obvious. I think that's just weird. Fans are losing their edge these days. Not quite as snoopy as they used to be. But, hey. That's fine by me. The less teenage girls showing up at my door, asking my boyfriend for every groupie cliché in the book, the better, "Since people don't really know that, they just ship us together because I've posted about you. So. You're cool by association."

I feel like he just explained that to me the same way he would've explained to his grandfather how to send an email.

"Look, I'll show you!" Brendon quickly pulls up his Instagram explore page on his phone and types in my name. Of course I show up, but a couple other accounts with colourful edits of me as their profile pictures pop up, too, "See? Shipping!"

Yes, I know what shipping is. It's kind of creepy, but I get it. We all do it, even subconsciously.


What is 'Ryden.'


"Yeah, Ry?"

"This is going to sound like a stupid question probably only to you because you're the savvy one in this relationship, but what's Ryden supposed to mean?"

He's grinning. Can't say I'm not a little frightened.

"It's our ship name, dork," He boops my nose and I blink a few times out of surprise with a little confusion peppered in, "And yeah, I asked someone why it's spelled like that and they basically just told me that it 'looks better' than Rydon. Which.. still doesn't make sense, but if I think about it too hard, everything will sound stupid. They're just kids, after all," Captain Knots pays us a little visit just then and settles on Brendon's lap, ready to take a nap. I love that cat, I really do, but he just stole my favourite spot. Yeah, I know what I said, "Sleepy little baby."

"I feel like you'd make a good dad someday."

"Oh?" He sets his phone down on the coffee table, careful not to move too much and disturb the little kitty's slumbering thoughts, "Well, let's talk about this entirely new subject. Why do you think that?"

I shrug, "You're easy to talk to and you listen. You understand people, kids especially, and how their imaginations can run wild. You just care about people and their feelings.." I gently scratch Captain Knots' head and he leans into my hand as I pet him, "I guess that's all I was getting at. You've got a good heart and I don't want you to lose it because it's a good thing to have, if you ever wanted human kids, that is."

"I love you and that's enough for me."

Of course.


He loves me?



but it's also super chill right now.

and, uh.

this has ten chapters left.

gonna end on a nice, round number: 100!

see y'all again soon!


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