Chapter O n e

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I hope you all enjoy this chapter. c:


The chairs in The Creatures office were squeaking as everyone was rocking back and forth. They were all trying to figure out a way to bring back their youngest Creature to life. He had recently gone through some rough shit. They were all going through a rough patch due to one of their fellow members passing away. Eddie was the good guy of the group and none of them ever thought he would be the one to go first out of the bunch. But...he was. 

"I honestly don't know what to do." Jordan, the member of the group, said. "Does anyone have any idea what else Aleks is going through? James! Has he talked to you recently?"

The bearded man snapped out of his thoughts as he looked up at his fellow friend. "Hordan, how many fucking times do I have to tell you that he hasn't spoken one word to me! I've barley seen him come out of his room. Aleks just won't fucking talk to me. I don't know what you are expecting me to do. Maybe all the man wants is some peace!" He became frustrated as he tried to knock some sense into Jordan.

"Silence is a call for help." Dan said quietly as he fiddled his thumbs. Seamus hadn't said one word this whole entire time. He stood up when Dan spoke. 

"Maybe he's having a mid life crisis." The blonde walked out of the office and that was the last of seeing him.

"Silence is a call for help? He's having a mid life crisis? Are you guys being fucking serious right now?" James sighed as he wiped his hands down his face. "If you guys are seriously worried about him, why don't you go ask him whats wrong?" 

"We aren't his best friends. We are close to him but nothing like you and him, James." The chubbier one spoke as James looked towards him. Jordan agreed.

"Fine, I'll go and try to talk to him. Don't expect him to come out and tell me anything. He never does." James stood up as he walked out of the office. He made his way home to where his fellow friend had trapped himself in. 

Everyone was putting Aleks upon James shoulders. It wasn't that he didn't care for his friend or that he didn't want to help him, it's just that he thought that peace and quiet would be the right thing for him. It was for James! Whenever he was upset, he just wanted to be alone and outside with the fresh air. 

This was different. Aleks was going through something silently. James would be lucky enough to get a hello out of him. He was worried about Aleks. He knew that aleks would never actually harm himself but he knew he would make himself as miserable as he could. James wouldn't let that happen, not to his friend. 

James arrived at his home as he stepped out of the car. Before heading up to Aleks room, he grabbed a water. He was thirsty and nervous. Just a week ago, the rusty tattooed male yelled at him for trying to invade his room. James, being the guy he was and surprised as hell by his reaction, slowly crept away from his room leaving him in peace. This time would have to be different. He wouldn't be able to leave, instead, he'd force his friend. Yes, that seems cruel, but to James it was really the only way. 

Walking up the stairs and to Aleks room door, he knocked three times.

"Aleks, it's James. Open up." He said standing there. There were no sounds or hints of movement towards the door. He sighed as he began pounding upon the door. "Aleks, open this fucking door now or else I will force it open." Waiting a couple of minutes, there was still no answer. "I'm coming in." James forced the door open as he stumbled in. The sight was horrid.

Clothes were covering the floor as well as empty Pepsi cans and bags of chips. It took James a moment to process the messy room before he found his friend stuffed under the covers. His facial hair was thick but not as thick as James. Aleks was never good a growing any type of hair on his face. His hair was a mess and he had dark circles under his eye. He sat up and James raised an eyebrow. 

"Aleks....what the fuck is this? I understand you are in this shit hole of a spot but leaving your room this messy really isn't helping you out, man." He put his hands on his hips as Aleks rubbed his eyes, blinking a few times. 

"James, why the fuck are you in here? GET THE HELL OUT. Don't you get it? Didn't you get it last week when I said that I wanted to be alone? I don't want to see your face, I don't want to see anyones face. Now get the fuck out, or else." 

"Did you just...threaten me?" James grew tense as he stepped through the thick layer of clothes. "I'm not leaving this room, Aleksandr. I'm not going to let you do this to yourself. So either you get the hell out of that bed...or I force you out." 

Aleks growled under his voice. "You wouldn't dare force me out." To James, that was a challenge. 

James tried his best to get through the clothes on the floor and then climbed onto the bed, standing up. He was now hovering over Aleks. "One last chance, get up or I will force you." 

"I'm not moving." 

James reached down as he began to try and squirm away. Aleks' frame was definitely different than the last time he saw or even felt it. He had gained some weight. It was the muscular type of weight either, it was the fat type of weight. 

It was difficult for James to drag Aleks out of his room but eventually he did. He shut the door behind him so Aleks couldn't get back in. He ran towards the door as James blocked it with his body. Aleks fought with every strength in his body. 

"LET ME BACK IN!" Screams filled the house of the two. James sighed as he put his hands on his shoulders. 

"I'm not letting you back in. It's not healthy, Damnit!" Aleks began to cry and eventually gave up his strength. He slide down to the floor as he started making the carpet wet.

"He left me here, all alone. He fucking left me here. I know it wasn't his fault but god damnit! It's not fair. Then my...significant other broke up with me right after, LEAVING ME!" Aleks cried a little loud as James stood there awkwardly. 

"I know I should hug him but I'm not good at this kind of thing...but for Aleks and to possibly make him feel better...I'll give it a try." The bearded man sighed as he knelt down next to his friend. He wrapped his arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer. He felt Aleks tense at first and then lean into him. James let Aleks sob into his shoulder for as long as he wanted. It helped more than James knew.

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