Chapter F o u r t e e n

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- James POV -

I sat at the booth waiting for Seamus to arrive. I was twiddling my thumbs and looking down at my lap as my drink was placed in front of me. I looked up and smiled at the girl who was way too exposed than what she should be. I raised the glass to my lips as I felt the burn slide down my throat. It didn't make me cringe, if anything it made me want more. The warmth settled in my throat after the burn had subsided. It was a great feeling.

I downed the rest of my drink as I ordered another one. I made sure to bring plenty of money for drinks. I wanted to get wasted tonight. I wanted to forget Eddie was here and I wanted to forget everything in general.

It was about an hour in and I was wasted. My voice was slurred and I knew for sure I wasn't going to be driving home. Seamus was suppose to be here by now but of course, my friend stood me up. I rested my head down on the table as I hiccuped.

"Fuck...fuck me." I whispered in a low tone as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and to the side. Aleks was sitting in the seat next to me. He seemed worried and I would've cared but I just didn't. "What the..fuck are you doing here?" I grumbled out as I sat up and swatted his hand away from my shoulder, taking another long sip of my drink.

"James, I need to talk to you about Eddie.." I felt like my heart dropped. The worst things came to my mind. I furrowed my eyebrows and dropped my glass onto the counter, causing a rather loud noise to ring throughout the bar.

"You want to go back to him.."

- Aleks POV -

When I walked into the bar, I really wasn't expecting James to be as drunk as he was. It made me disappointed in himself but, I guess I understood. Under the circumstances him and I were in at this moment, I would've drank myself to sleep. Too bad I was held up because, of fucking Eddie.

I saw his facial expression change and he seemed hurt but pissed off at the same time. I sighed and looked over at him. "You want to go back to him.." He said to me and I shook my head, taking the drink the bartender sat in front of James.

"Thanks." I said to her as I chugged down the drink. I could see the smirk in James face as he watched me drink it down. It was disgusting and I felt like I needed to puke. I preferred margaritas and daiquiris. Not this...whatever this was.

"James, I'm not getting back with Eddie." I rubbed my temples as he perked up and leaned towards me.

"Then what happened between you two? Don't fucking lie to me, Aleksandr." I looked over at James. He was somewhat harsh when drunk but hey, I could deal with him when he was harsh sober.

"He pulled me into a room and kissed me. Seamus walked in and stopped it. Eddie found out that I was dating you...He went crazy and started saying I never loved him and how I always loved you. He told me he was going to ruin my happy ending and I don't know what that means. All I know is that I don't want you to get hurt. At all." I explained to him as his expression softened and he reached over and squeezed my hand. He gave me a small smile. If his breath didn't smell like alcohol, I'd kiss him right now.

"First of all, I'm going to kill that asswipe for kissing you. Second of all, he isn't going to ruin our happy ending. I won't let him." He told me as he squeezed my hand again.

"We need to go somewhere safe, or at least you do, James. If you got hurt, I don't know what I'd do..."

"If you are really that worried, I'll go to my mothers...on one condition." I looked up at him as he shuffled around in his pocket and attempted to get cash out for his drink. "If you come with me." I looked at him and then looked down at my lap.

"I..well, I guess." I told him as he took out his keys and handed them to me.

"You're driving us home." He reached his arm around my neck as I slide off the chair. "We'll get your car in the morning, okay?" I nodded as I helped James to the car.

-James POV -

We were home and I was laying on the bed. I could smell the alcohol radiating from my body and I could tell that Aleks could smell it too. My back was on soft sheets and Aleks was slowly taking off my shoes. He was getting me ready for bed because, I wasn't able to do it myself. I felt like a little child who was getting help from their mom. He took my last shoe off and he stood up. I sat up as he motioned for me to lift my arms up. I obeyed and he took off my shirt.

"Do you want me to take your pants off too?" He asked as I looked up at him. I nodded and gave a puppy face. I was so fucking tired that I wasn't even sure I did my puppy face right. Aleks chucked as he pushed me back down onto the bed. He unzipped my hands and slide them down. His cool fingers breezed across my hip line that was now exposed. He looked at me and crossed his arms. "M&M boxers, huh?" He laughed at me as I scooted myself up my bed and underneath my covers. My face heated up.

"I really enjoy M&Ms..." I whispered as I snuggled down into my bed and readjusted my pillow. "Please join me in bed, Aleksandr...everything is locked and Eddie isn't going to come in. We can pack in the morning just...I want to feel your skin against mine..." Wow, that probably sounded a lot more cheesy than I wanted it too. He gave me a look and then began to undress himself.

He threw his jacket to my chair along with his shirt. His chest was now exposed and that beautiful porccelain skin I loved so much was showing. He slowly took his pants off and stood there awkwardly for a moment. I grinned at him and he looked down.

I patted the space next to me as I threw the covers back. "Join me, Aleksandr..." I whispered as he turned out the light and then crawled in next to me. I wrapped my arms around his and I felt him shiver beneath me. I pulled him closer, trying to become as close as I could. He fiddled with my thumb and rubbed his hand up and down my arm. "You are so beautiful...and I love you so much, Aleksandr."

Those last sweet words heated the face of Aleksandr and the two fell asleep once more in each others arms.

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