Chapter E i g h t

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- James POV -

I almost forgot about what Aleks said to me last night. I really shouldn't be too hard on myself about what he said because I expected it. I just didn't want him to agree with me and I wanted him to tell me that I was wrong and kiss me. I wanted him to be mine. I just feel like part of him will always belong to Sly. I know how he talked about him and how much he meant to him. I don't think I would ever mean that much to Aleks. 

My phone started going off and I groaned as I reached over to my night stand and grabbed it. It was a text from Seamus. 

Seamoose: James, do you and Aleks want to go to the movies with Dan, Jordan and I? We'd love to have you guys.

I sighed to myself. I didn't really want to go to the movies if Aleks was going to be there. It was probably best I went outside though. A lot of people would probably find me immature because, I'm going to avoid Aleks but they just don't understand. They don't understand what it's like to get your heart stepped on when you've tried so hard. So hard to put yourself out there to just be shot down. It fucking hurts. It hurts a lot. I'm the kind of person who turns their sadness into anger. It's not like I want to be angry but fuck. I can't help it. 

I started to text Seamus back.

James: Yeah, man. I'd love to come. I'll have to see if Aleks wants to.

I sighed as I threw the blankets off of me and sat my phone back down on the night stand. I walked out of my bedroom and across the hall where Aleks room was located. I knocked softly as I took a deep breath and turned the knob, entering the room. I looked around, only to find empty space. I raised an eyebrow. "The fuck...?" I whispered under my breath as I started walking down the stairs. As I approached the living room, I saw the shaggy brown locks covering his face. My eyes softened. I always admired the way he slept. He looked so pure and innocent. He had a way of making me smile even when I didn't want to.

Stop it, James! Now is not the time for that. We are suppose to be upset, not wanting to grab his cute...adorable face and just kiss him. No. We need to wake his ass up.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I grabbed one of the couch cushions and slammed it down onto Aleks. I knew it wouldn't hurt him because, I had done it to him before. It was just hard enough that he would wake up. 

Aleks screamed out as he flailed off of the couch and onto the floor. He jumped to his feet as he stood in a stance and then saw me with the pillow. I started to laugh and shook my head, walking away. I felt something hit the back of my head and turned around. A cushion was now on the floor. 

"What the fuck, you fucking asshole? Don't wake me up like that! I've told you that several times! Do you not consider others feelings?" He growled out as he took the cushion and began setting them back onto the couch. "Why the hell did you wake me up anyway?" His face was pale and his eyes still foggy. I sighed as I crossed my arms.

"If you must know, you fuck, I woke you up because Dan, Jordan and Seamus want us to go to the movies with them. So, I was just telling you." 

- Aleks POV -

Being awoken by a sudden blown to the head was not the best way to start off the day. I jolted up out of the couch and landed on the floor. I looked up to see James with a not too amused facial expression. Great, I must've done something now. 

I stood up and dusted myself off. "What the fuck, you fucking asshole? Don't wake me up like that! I've told you that several times! Do you not consider others feelings?" James really did know how to piss me off. "Why the hell did you wake me up anyway?" I asked him as I fixed the couch and looked back towards him. 

"If you must know, you fuck, I woke you up because Dan, Jordan and Seamus want us to go to the movies with them.  So, I was just telling you." His attitude was foreign. It was almost like he wanted to be sarcastic with me but he wouldn't let himself. So the feeling he was giving off was like...sarcasm and seriousness. I rolled my eyes and sighed. 

"Yeah, I'll go. What tim--?" He walked away from me and started into the kitchen. He didn't bother sticking around and hearing my answer. I grumbled under my voice. I bet he's acting this way because of last night. I walked into the kitchen and leaned against the door frame. I crossed my arms as I let my eyes fall upon the bearded man who was making a cup of coffee. "It's because of last night isn't it?" He stopped pouring his coffee and he looked over at me. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I pushed myself off of the doorway and walked closer to him, to where I was next to him. 

"You know exactly what I'm talking about James. You're pissed because I shut you down yesterday and didn't run into your arms like you wanted me to." Oh, damn, that might've been a little harsh. He set the coffee pot down in a harsh motion along with his coffee cup. He looked over at me. I could sense the tension. 

"Aleksandr, if you don't mind, please fuck off." He growled as he pushed past me and stomped up to his room. I sighed as I leaned against the counter, leaning my head back, closing my eyes. 

"This is going to be a long ass day." 

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