Chapter T e n

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- Aleks POV -

I just confessed that I was in love with James and he just completely walks off. I felt like I was just completely shut down but then again, I bet that's how he felt last night. I sighed as I stood up and started pacing around the kitchen. He didn't seem mad, or hurt, he just seemed surprised and like he wasn't exactly sure what to do about this situation. I guess I can just give him his space hour? Then go up and try to talk to him again.

It had only been thirty minutes and I wasn't holding up well. What if he was waiting up there expecting me to run up for him? What if he was up there and upset not wanting to be my best friend or anything? What he if didn't want anything to do with me anymore? What if he thought I was lying to him? I felt a frown slapped upon my face and I sighed, leaning against the wall and sliding down. 

"I feel like the biggest girl right now." I mumbled as I heard a 'Ding' go off. It was my phone. 

Seamus: Hey. Have you talked to James yet? 

Me: I tried. I told him the truth and he stood up and walked away. 

Seamus: YOU LET HIM WALK AWAY? What did I say to you, Aleks?

Me: I'm sorry, I just thought it was best I let him have some alone time. 

Seamus: If you love James, never let him have alone time unless he actually says so. 

Me: So....should I go talk to him?

Seamus: Of fucking course, Aleks. 

Seamus can sort of be a dick head at times but hey, I don't have anyone else to talk to. 

I took his advice and I stood up from the wall, pulling my shirt down a little bit and sighing. "Best of luck." I whispered as I left my phone on the counter and started up the stairs. My heart began racing. I was always afraid of rejection. I was afraid of being told that I wasn't good enough. I really didn't want to hear that from James. 

I stood in front of his door. My hand hovered over the wood as I was about to knock. Before I could, the door swung open and there stood James. 

- James POV -

 I was on my bed as I was sitting there, letting my thoughts circle around my mind. I was fucking stupid for leaving Aleks there and not saying anything. The man I have loved since the day I met him finally confessed his feelings for me, or well partially. I still wanted to know more. I wanted to know when he knew he loved me, when he first felt something, why he didn't speak up earlier. I wanted to know about it all. 

I became so wrapped up in what happened last night that I had practically pushed him away. I believed that Aleks was going to explain yesterday to me. I should've actually apologized too. I accused him and told him how he felt without asking. I just wanted him to prove me wrong and he didn't. 

"Well, it's best to go down there and talk and not sit up here, sulking." I stood up from my bed and stretched out my arms. I walked towards the door and swung it open. The Russian boy was standing there with his hand balled in a fist about to knock on my door. I could help but smile at how surprised he was. 

"Ja-James! I was just coming up to...ask if you were alright." He mumbled as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. Damn, Aleks was so fucking cute. 

"I am alright. I'm sorry for leaving you downstairs." I apologized as he looked up at me and shook his head.

"No, no. It's fine. I understand completely." He said with a small smile as I moved aside and gestured for him to step into my room. He walked in and sat on the edge of my bed. I sat right next to him. 

"I'm sorry for more than just leaving you downstairs. I'm sorry for just accusing you and pretty much shoving you away from me. I'm also sorry for being a big dick to you today but I couldn't help it. I had my reasons as to why I had to ignore you." I explained, hoping he'd understand. He just shuffled his feet as he looked over at me. He smiled a little bit.

"James, we are both stupid." He said as I shrugged. "No, seriously, we are dumb. We both could've made this simple and let it go to the flow but instead we made it complicated. We are never complicated." He said and I laughed, rubbing the back of the neck.

"Well, when you love someone, things tend to get complicated." I said as Aleks scooted closer to me. He leaned his head on my shoulder and let it rest there, sighing. 

"James, I would never hurt you. I would never use you in any way, shape or form. You are an amazing friend. You have always been there for me and you have helped me through more troubles than I can count. You are a beautiful human being and I want you to know that I love you. Not only as a friend, but as something more." Wow, that sounded like he pulled that out of a poem or something. I honestly wondered if he said things like that to Eddie but I pushed that out of my mind. All that mattered right now is that Aleks and I realized we were stupid and are in the process of forgiving each other. 

I wrapped my arms around Aleks as he was as close to me as possible. "You don't understand how amazing that is to hear coming from you, Aleksandr." I ran my fingers through his hair as I smiled. I tilted his head up and his eyes met mine. His cheeks were flushed and he looked innocent and pure. "I love you too. I've loved you from the very beginning. When I was finally going to say something you were with Eddie. I didn't want to intrude or make Eddie hate me or you hate me. So I kept my mouth shut. But now..." I lowered my voice and kissed his nose. "Now, I have you to myself. I don't have to worry about anyone else but you and me. I love you, Aleksandr. I will always love you." It seemed like Aleks was about to cry and before I let him speak, my lips met those soft ones. 

The kiss was slow and gentle. It was sweet and it was different from last night. This kiss contained no worry about what the other was feeling because, we both knew we loved each other. Aleks was mine. He was finally mine and I was all his. I could finally be happy with my one true love.


This is definitely not the last chapter, haha. I just want to say I hope you all are enjoying the story so far. There won't be any major conflicts because, I want the next few chapters to be fluffy and just them. <3 Once again, I hope you all are enjoying the story. Love you, Dolls!

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