Chapter N i n e

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- Aleks POV - 

James and I had met up with the other guys. We went to go see As Above So Below. We didn't do a review for it because, it was just us being friends. Well, all of us except James and I. He had ignored me this whole entire time and Seamus kept glaring at me as if I did something wrong. Which I didn't. I know. 

I was feeling really bad. Not just because I knew he was mad and hurt but because I missed him. Whenever we'd go on movie reviews or anything with the group it'd always be him and I who would stick next to each other. We'd screw around and push each other over the edge. We could never really be mad at each other. At least I know I could never be mad at him. 

I liked James since the first day Eddie introduced me to him. I loved how his voice sounded and how firm his handshake was. Sure, now I'd give him one of those 'bro' hugs since we knew each other better. Him and I clicked almost immediately. Eddie noticed it too. Later he had brought it to my attention that James and I had became closer and that's when he told me he was jealous. He told me that he was in love with me and seeing me with James the way I was, was killing him. I figured I would never have a chance with James so I went for Eddie instead. Yes, I did love Eddie but while I was with him, my mind had always wondered off to James. 

"Aleks." I heard a voice say as I looked up to see the blonde male looking at me. He didn't seem happy. "Can we talk?" He asked and I nodded, walking over. The rest of the guys were walking ahead of us as we were all going to get a bite to eat. 

"Tell me what happened. Why are you and James ignoring each other?" He asked me as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and was looking at me. I took a deep breath out. 

"Okay, so James and I were on the couch, everything was going good, right?" I said and he nodded. "We ended up becoming more comfortable, like we always do. So, I decided this was the time to make a move. So, I turned around and looked at him. I explained that you had told me. You know James, he tried to hide it. So, I kissed him. It was a fantastic kiss. I loved the feeling of his lips against mine and the warmth that engulfed me. I loved the feeling of our bodies being pressed together and everything else around us melting. But...that didn't last long." I sighed as I shuffled on my feet taking a few minutes and as I was about to continue he stopped me. 

"Did you fuck this up or did James fuck this up?" He asked me as I looked towards him and shrugged my shoulders.

"I think we are both equally to blame but it's probably more my fault." I admitted as he let a 'hmmm' come out and then motioned for me to continue. 

"He stopped the kiss. I told him that I get why he'd stopped and then he started saying how I was just using him to get over Eddie and all this other bullshit that pissed me off and hurt my feelings. Did he really think I would use him? Like seriously? What the fuck..." I mumbled as Jordan had looked back at both of Seamus and I. "I told him he was right. I was using him and...then he stood up and left to his bedroom. I knew everything wasn't alright but he pissed me off. He's been ignoring me ever since."

"I would too if I were him." He stated as I sighed. "I James said that because, he wanted you to prove him wrong. To verify with himself that he was just being stupid. I'd think you of all people would've known that James does that a lot." 

"I didn't really think about it in that way."

"Well, I suggest you talk to James once you two get back to the house. If he tries to walk away from you or shove you away, you fight for him."

I nodded. "I think you're right, Seamus..."

- James POV -

I heard Seamus and Aleks talking. I couldn't exactly hear what they were saying but I do believe I heard my name. All the guys were wondering what was going on between Aleks and I. We weren't acting the same around each other and distancing from one another. At least I was trying to from Aleks. He'd occasionally come over and try to strike up a conversation with me but I'd avoid him and walk away. I felt bad but at the same time, every time I was around him I just wanted to return to last night. Before he had told me he used me to just get over Eddie. 

"So...uh, James, what's going on between you and Aleks?" Jordan asked as I shrugged my shoulders.

"I honestly don't know what you mean, Hordan." I simply said as he nudged me.

"You know you can talk to me if you want?"

I smiled a little bit and decided to mock him. "I dern sure know, Jordan." He looked over at me and hit my arm. 

"Very funny." I let out a laugh and so did Hordan. 

The rest of the night was filled with Jordan and I laughing. Seamus and Aleks didn't seem to really get the things we were talking about, probably because they were wrapped up in each other talking. It didn't make me jealous because, I know Aleks. I know Seamus is not Aleks type and he also has a girlfriend. I think Aleks was getting jealous though. He kept glaring over towards Jordan and giving him that look. Then if I'd rest my hand on his shoulder, it seemed to make the Russian unsettled in his seat. But why? 

I had to drive home with Aleks and I scurried into the house after we arrived. I went into the kitchen and started pouring myself some ice tea. I was thirsty as hell. Probably from all the laughs that happened between Hordan and I. 

I heard foot steps enter the kitchen and I turned around. Aleks was in the door way with his arms crossed and he was looking down. "So, and Jordan really had a fun time, huh?" He asked me, a sad voice rang through my ears. I nodded, taking another sip.

"We had a really fun time. He knows how to make me laugh." I told him as the Russian twink sighed. 

"James, we need to talk." I placed my glass down on the counter and shook my head. 

"We do not need to talk." I told him as I tried to walk past him but the smaller boy pressed his hands against my chest, attempting to stop me from leaving. 

"James, we have to talk. Do not walk away from me. You won't get rid of me." He explained to me as I sighed, looking down. 

"Fine." I sat down at the table, leaning back. "Say what you're wanting to say." 

"Why did you say that to me yesterday? Why did you tell me that I used you and all that other bullshit? You know it's not true." 

I started laughing, louder than I wanted to.

"Do you think this is funny?" I heard him say as I forced myself to stop laughing and looked up at him. 

"As a matter of fact, I do think this is funny. How am I not suppose to think it's true when you CONFIRMED it for me, Aleksandr? How do you expect me to respond to that?" I shook my head. I heard the chair scoot closer. Aleks eyes filled with plead and sadness. It looked as if he was going to beg. 

"I don't like seeing you that close with Jordan. I don't like seeing you that close with anyone but me. I'm the one who is suppose to make you laugh and everyone question why or what I said. I told you that I was using you yesterday because, I couldn't believe that you would think I would actually stoop so low. You know I would never hurt you James. You are my best friend you." He said as I sat there. 

What was I suppose to say? Aleks was jealous because he loved me? He said that he used me because he couldn't believe that I'd think he'd stoop so low? That didn't change the fact he told me I was right about my suspicions. Even if he lied to me, even if I was the one who started it, I didn't even know what to say. I just stood up and walked away, leaving him there. I went to my bedroom and shut the door. 

"Fuck meeee." I groaned out as I rubbed my face. I knew that I wouldn't be able to be mad at him for much longer, I actually wasn't all that mad at him. Every time I saw his face, he was able to make me smile and feel warm inside. I missed him today. He might've been with me all day but it wasn't the same. 

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