Part 2

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I trail to Princey's room to get my laptop. He's had it for a couple of hours to watch more YouTube video, he got so exited when I told him he could borrow it, it was so cute. Has he never herd of the internet before? Why is he so closed off from the rest of the world?

Maybe its just a prince thing?

I open the door to his room without knocking.

"Hey. Princey. Can I have my laptop back? I need to for my study's."

"You're still in school? How? You work full time," he looks confused. It's pretty funny to see him this way. The way he raises his eyebrow and tilts his head to the side is adorable.

"Relax Princey. I'm not leaving you to go to school. I do online classes when your don't need me for anything." I smile

"Oh, I would have you'd be smart enough to get a scholarship," Roman smiles, handing me my laptop.

"Actually, I chose not to go because I hate sitting in room full of people I don't know. And this job pays well, I get free accommodation. What's not to like about what I do now?"

Princey shrugs," the last people left because I was to annoying to work for apparently. It's not like I even ask them to do anything really. I would just try and talk to them sometimes but they hated me."

"You're alright, Roman. Sure, you're naive for your age but apart from that you're pretty normal," I laugh before saying I had to go.

Before I left he gave me a hug. It was a little weird but I didn't question it. I bet he gets lonely; it's not like he has meany people to talk to, who he can be honest around.

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