Part 4

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(I've had gigantic OTN stuck in my head forever, along with riptide and who we are.)

I step outside of my room to see a very enthusiastic Roman. He jumps up and down while clapping his hands," you look amazing."

I bet you're wondering,' what in the actual fuck could he be wearing?'

Well, let me tell you, it was not my thing; It was the opposite of what I am basically. Princey had me in a white suit with a white top hat and a white bow tie. My shirt was just a regular black button up, which I don't mind, however the white top hat with a strip of gold ribbon around it and the long-tail suit jacket is a little far from my comfort zone as far as clothes go.

I can't back out now, they have this thing tailored to my exact measurements. I know that because the people who made it had me stand in the middle of a room while Roman decided on fabrics. Why do his parents still believe he's straight? Are they blind? Do they just never talk to him? I'm not trying to be dude or re-enforce stereotypes but when has a straight man ever done this?

"What are all the other butlers going to be wearing tonight?" I ask. I'm dreading the answer, I know it's going to be normal formal wear so I'll look dumb.

"Something Similar, just minus the top hat, the gold and the shirts are white, theirs trousers and jackets are back," he then looks at my face," that reminds me, you need to take off your eye shadow."

"Nope. Never. Not today," I back away as he comes close to me with a make up wipe until he has me backed up against the wall. I hiss at him, grabbing his wrists and tackling him to the ground.

Smirking at my victory, I look into his eyes, My face goes red when I realise I'm on top of him in some what of a kinky way.

"C-can you please get off the floor? Your suit will get dirty," he asks awkwardly.

I just nod and stand up, never breaking eye contact until I try and break the silence," s-so, what are you wearing?"

"That, my friend, is a secret for tonight," he smirks before backing out of my room and disappearing.

About an hour later, guests started to arrive. They were all dressed so fancy-ly, but compared to what I was wearing, they look normal. I pull out cars Princey said I had to say to the guests. I clear my throat

"Greetings ladys, lords and non-binary royalty," I say, trying to mimic Romans eccentric manner," you all look dashing this fine evening. Welcome to Prince Roman's royal ball. If you'd all follow me to the ballroom."

I turn around and walk to the ballroom knowing this crowd was just behind me. They gasp in awe at the sight of the extravagant decorations. Princey really did put his heart and soul into this. 

The prince suddenly appears out of nowhere and immediately I noticed he was wearing a white shirt, black suit, gold bow tie and a black top hat with a gold ribbon wrapped around it. And without even saying a word the band started to play, everyone started dancing when Princey came up to me," hey, I know you're Probably super uncomfortable in that so I put one of the regular ones in your room."


I walk to my room and just quickly get dressed into the suit on my bed apart from I thought if I wear the black shirt and white bow tie it would be more me so I left them on.  It was also quicker to change. What can I say? I'm lazy.

Prince wasn't there when I went back down although it's like no one noticed dispite him planning this whole thing. After a couple of drinks, I check his room, the bathroom, the kitchen, all the hallways and all the rooms and still nothing.

I eventually give up and go out into the garden for some air only to see Roman sitting on a bench by a small pond.

I sigh and lean against the wall, basking in his beauty for a moment as the moon light lit up the small pond in front of him.

How did I forget to check out here? I'm dumb.

I sneak up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist as I laugh, "what are you doing out here?"

"what are you doing?" Roman looks at me for a minute before continuing, "you're drunk... And you've mixed both outfits? Looks cute."

I giggle before kissing his cheek," I was dreading tonight you know. I don't really like this sort of thing and people were never really... my people."

"that makes no sense," he points out the obvious in a joking manner, " if people aren't people then what are they?"

I shrug. Who knows why I didn't stay in my room after I let the guests in. Who knows why I'm even talking to princey right now or why I got concerned when I didn't know where he was.

I think it's because of his nievety. I feel the need to protect him. That has to be it.

"we should go back inside," Princey helps me up as he places my arm around his shoulder.

"I can walk you know," I chuckle.

"I know," he says before mumbling something I couldn't hear.


"I said,' I know. I just wanted to be close to you' ," he blushes and looks down, smiling like a dork.

I turn his face to mine, pressing my lips against his; I could feel him tense up and then relax at my touch. I think he was shocked more than anything else.

I pull away shortly after and start walking into the castle with him, my arm still around his shoulder.

As soon as we enter a girl rushes up to us, "hello, Prince Roman. May I have this dance?"

" I-I can't. My friend here has had a little to much to drink,"he turns to me and nudges me slightly," isn't that right, buddy? "

I pretend to be more drunk than I actually am and stumble as I nod my head.

"Roman, If you don't want to dance with me just say so. You don't need to make excuses," she storms away, really pissed off.

He just shrugs it off and we walk to my room, me still pretending to be more drunk than I am.

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