Part 15

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Approaching the large wooden door of Roman's room, note book and pen in hand, it immediately became clear to me that, firstly, it was locked and, secondly, Roman was definitely on the other side; his sobs and sorrowful whining could be heard from the end of the grand hallway that lead up to what was once a safe place had now turned into his own personal hell. I slide down the door, grasping the pen in my hand and scrawling a brief note, mainly apologising for getting him into this mess and ending with a small declaration of my love. Sliding it under the door and knocking, I here Footsteps on the other side and the sound of Princey lowering himself to the ground and unfolding the slightly crumpled parchment. In the moment the years seemed to stop, the world disappeared and it was just us separated by a door as I keep my eyes to the floor.

"Virgil?" He whispered, voice cracking," Are you there?"

"Of course, my love," I pause for a short while,"Are you okay? I know you're not but I don't know what else to say other than... I'm sorry Roman."
I feel a tear fall down my face as my voice croaks the apology; this is all my fault.

The prince laughs, not in a joyful way however, almost as if to fill space he couldn't with words. Knowing he was on the other side of that door was the most comforting feeling I could have at this point in time. The silence is long, filled with words we can't say though we want to, I feel so trapped. I wonder how bad it must be for Roman. The closest thing he has to the outside world is a window.

"I love you, Virgil," he finally breaks the silence, his voice soft and pure after calming down,"so much."

"I love you too,Roman," unlike his, my words come out in a croak, my hands shaking at my sides.

With tears streaming, I look up to see a blury figure, closing my eyes as it takes me into a warm embrace. I soon realise who it is before holding her closer to me as I cry; it's Anne.

"I'm so sorry," she whispers so quiet Roman probably doesn't know she's here," I didn't think... I didn't want to upset anyone. I didn't know..."

"It's okay." I whisper to her.

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