Part 6

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I pull Princey down so he was on top of me, his cheeks lightly flushed as I sling my arms over his shoulders and bring his body even closer to mine.

Hugging him tighter, I can hear his breathing and feel it on my neck. And I won't lie, it was a comforting feeling.

Roman shifts to he's next to me, throw his suit jacket off and spooning me from behind, his hit breath still in my neck.

Turning over, I look him in the eyes, snuggling closer ; I press my lips against his before whispering, "goodnight Princey."

And just like that, my eyes feel heavy and I slowly see them close.


I wake up, Princey spooning me and still asleep, a slight smell of alcohol on his breath. I'm sure I drank way more than him, I bet I just reek of beer or whatever that was that I drank last night.

I look at the clock: 12:03. I honestly couldn't care less about the time right now but I know Roman will, all princes do, atleast the ones I've worked for, because his parents will give him hell and tell him something along the lines of , "if he can't even get up on time then how will he run a kingdom?" or maybe even, "what if you were late for your wedding day? You're lucky it's just breakfast."

Sitting upright, I wake Princey up, "Hey."

"What time Is it?" he asks.

"12:00 ish."

He shrugs,"wake me up in about... Never."

"I thought your parents would kill you if you don't get up."

"I just remembered, they aren't going to be here for a couple of days," he smiles,"that means we don't have to do anything but we can do everything if we want to."

"Its not really up to me. Whatever you say I have to do, I'm you're personal servant."

He laughs,"I forget sometimes, you don't act that formal around me."

"I-I can act more formal if you want me to,"i mutter.

He bolts up and looks me in the eyes," you don't have to."

"are you sure about that sir? Would you not prefer me to address you in a more formal manner, your magasty?" I say with genuine formality.

He pecks my lips, making me blush, and smiles at me, " Roman is fine and I hate being addressed like I'm above people. It makes me feel disconnected. Also it just doesn't sound right on me. "

"Really? You seem like the type to want to be called Prince."

"oh Hush."

"Yes your highness," I say jokingly, making him playful hit my arm and pull me into a hug.

"shut up Hot topic," he laughs.

"aaawe. You think I'm hot," I smirk.

"I mean, maybe," he mutters.


"shut up," he chuckles.

I stand up, pulling him with me," we should at least change out of these rags."

"rude! I picked out those 'rags' for you!" he fake pouts.

I shrug, walking to my wardrobe and picking out some clothes,"it's your choice, you can leave or be scared for life... Or aroused, depending what you're into." I laugh and he walks to the door and I assume going back to his room.

As soon as I'm dressed, I walk to his room and knock on the door. He answers with a smile.

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