Part 3

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Roman smiles with glee and looks around the ball room. I don't know why he's so happy, it's just a party right?

Maybe he's just exited about someone from another kingdom coming over?

I approach him, a little scared I'd kill his mood,"what are you so happy about?"

"obviously, we're having a ball. It's going to be so fun. There's going to be people form all over the world coming over,"he looked around the room," and the ball room is so pretty."

He was right, The room is beautifully decorated with pastel coloured flowers, decorations and fairy lights. I'm only scared about one thing;the people. People form all over the world? I won't be able to catch a break tonight.

"Oh, and one more thing," Roman quickly says, looking slightly nervous,"w-would you be able to fill in for one of the butlers. We have enough of them but it's a family tradition that at a ball we have one servant dress like a butler, but obviously a little bit more flashy, and greet the guests."

I stay silent. What the fuck am I supposed to say? 'oh yeah, That's fine. Crippling social anxiety makes that easy for me.'

"all the other servant declined but I'm sure we could get someone else to-"

"N-no it's fine. I'll do it. "

What the fuck did I just say? Tell me I didn't just agree to this. It'll be fine, right? Just say hi and tell them they look lovely?

This is going to be a total shit show.

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