Part 20

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Swinging his sword with grace in the air, the king stood center in the rose filled court yard, ready to fight. Silently, I lift my sword, in my battle stance, hands shaking slightly. Taking a deep breath in, I steady myself as we await the battle to begin.

"Virgil," Roman says behind me, forcing me to turn around and drop my arm," as a token of my affections, I'd like you to take this." He hands me a silk hanky, a big, goofy smile on his beautiful face.

"Why the token?" I ask out of curiosity with a chuckle.

"Anne told me it's what she was taught to give brave knights before heading into battle," he shrugged," it seemed appropriate, my love."

I grin at him," aawwe. You think I'm a brave knight. How cute."

"You're my one and only brave knight," he plants a kiss on my cheek, I can feel the kings eyes in my back when he does this.

Roman returns to sitting with Anne in the palace, watching us from a second floor balcony, both giving me a gentle wave.

Resuming my battle stance, I say,"so, this is it." As the king does the same.

"I believe so," the king sighs, charging towards me, sword in hand. When he gets close enough he swings, raising his sword above his head and bringing it down however I have enough time to block it, racing my sword to meet his. This goes on for a couple of minutes before I finally graze his shoulder, leaving a small gash however it wasnt enough for the king to give up, or so it appears.

"Ready to give up?" He roared, pointing his sword at me.

"No. Never."

"Why do you get to have all the fun?" A familiar voice echoed insanity as two figures emerged from the shadows," Why weren't we invited?"

"Remus?" The king questioned," what are you doing with Mr.D?"

"Nothing. Just thought we'd stop by..." he waltzed forward, leaving his snake face accomplice where he was standing, and, when near the king, swiftly pulled out a dagger from his belt and plunged it into the kings stomach, causing him to fall to the floor.

Defensively I raise my sword, preparing to swing if he dared to step closer. At least Roman was in the palace out of harms way with Anne, I don't know how I'm gonna do this alone though.

"Well, are we gonna stand here and have a staring competition all day or get this show on the road?" Remus Giggled maniacaly,"I hear you've taken quite a shine to my baby brother, Virgil. Whose next after him? Our father?"

"Shut it!" I snarl at him.

"Make me," he says, smirking so hard you could hear it in his voice.

Seeing red, I charge at him with my blade in the air, bringing it down only for him to unsheathe his own and block it in one swift movement. Every movement I make he counteracts as if it were expected, as if it were obvious was I was thinking.

Sauntering back and forth, just as Remy had taught me, while I attack and defend, sword scraping against the evil Prince's until finally someone got the first hit.

The snake faced man had struck my back with a large, long, thick meter of hawser, knots tied every once in a while down the rope, which ripped through my shirt and scraped my skin as it slashed across my shoulder blades, causing me to stagger forwards slightly.

"I would recommend you give in but where's the fun in that?" He thought out loud, his insanity presenting itself in his face and rearing its ugly head.

"Remus, leave him alone," D criticised with a small chuckle," didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food, dear?"

"My apologies," he nodded to his companion, throwing down his sword, only to be handed a morning star, the spikes sharp and the ball, which they lay apon, shiney.

With one swing of his weapon my blade fell, shattering into peices; much like my determination did in that moment. His psychotic eyes became bright with victory as he prepared to smight me with his mighty bludgeon.

I saw my whole life flash before my eyes and everything that lead to this moment- my doom.

4 years prior

Down on my luck, I take a seat at a bar stool, waving the bar tender to request the strongest they've got.

"Let me get that for you," a stranger smiled, sliding some money across the counter.

"Thanks," I say half heartedly, taking a sip. The taste is strong and bitter with a burning sensation as it slides down my throat, momentarily distracting me from the stranger before I extend I hand, still not turning to him,"Virgil. And you are?"


I regret letting him pay but who could refuse something for free when you've got almost nothing. It started from there. A small fling, couldn't have meant much to either of us; it shouldn't have.

1 year later

Remus staggered through the door of our shared living space- we lived together however we weren't really anything more than friends with benefits if you had to put a turm to it- a man in a top hat on his arm, the lights were out and I was yet to see his face properly however I almost yelped when I saw this eye. Only one of them were bright yellow, like a serpents and I soon saw the rest of  that side of his face was the same.

He gave neither of us a name, a real one anyways, he just called himself 'D'. After a quick introduction, Remus soon lead him into his bedroom, I decided to go out for a walk.

I squeez my eyes shut, preparing for what seemed to be coming in slow motion. The king had charged for him, ramming him over and calling for guards.

"Go, get Mr D before he escapes," he called at me and without hesitation,  I jump to my feet, chacing down the snake faced gentleman and pulling him down my the cloak. An unhallowed squeal escaped him as I dragged him back standing on his hand after pulling it over his back.

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