Part 8

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In this room was an old book case, dusty, old bed and a night stand what was full of God knows what. Being the nosey little swines we are, we decided to investigate; The bed was covered in dust and everything in the room was a different shade of blue,the ceiling was painted to look like a bright blue sky with a couple of clouds hovering, the room had cotton cloud lanterns filled with fairy lights, the book shelf was painted a baby blue that was peeling a way with time and every book was hard-back leather with old, off white pages. As I looked more around the room I noticed small birds painted on the walls and picture frames.

I walk up to the book shelf, picking up a Novel and reading the faded ink while struggling to understand what it was about. The book, though it was a story, switched in between latten and English and it wasn't a translation of the previous paragraph. It was a continuation of the story. I guess kids had to learn latten inorder in enjoy this but that seems like too much effort. From what I could read, the story was about a prince going to a tower to save a princess.

How old was the room owner? They had a full sized bed but childish things like this laying around.

I walk around the room, investigating the various pictures on the walls and I notice one thing. The face of one boy in all photos was scratched out. I can tell it's the same boy from his body language and a t-shirt he wears in every single one of them. There's ones from when he was younger all up to about when he's 17 or 18. All of them family photos or with friends, non of them by himself but he's in every single one of them. Princey sits down on the bed with the same book I had before, reading it. The guys a prince, he probably had to learn to speak latten. He smiles.

"What's it say?" I ask.

"It's the story of Rapunzel."

"Well, that would explain the Tower and Prince," I stand and think for a moment," what If there was a story where the princess saved the prince? Or a Princess saved a Princess? Or saved herself? Or a prince saved a prince?" Instated to ramble about possibilities in kids books.

"Virgil, What are you on about?" He giggles at my deep rant.

"Prince Roman, When you where a kid, what was your favourite story?" I question,sitting down next to him.

He stops for a moment, giving me this look," do you really have to call me that? What happend the Princey or just Roman?"

"Business hours your highness."

"Like you've had a problem with calling me anything different in the past. Just call me Roman. I hate being addressed as something so formal," he huffs.

"As you wish, Roman," I smirk, pecking his lips.

"And my favourite book as a child was Beauty and the Beast. What was yours?" He laughs. That was sorta out of the blue.

"Alice in Wonderland. Duh. Is there anything better?" I giggle.

We continue to look around the room, Princey opening the draws and looking through them.
We didn't find anything interesting in that room. It's a shame. The room looks so cool.

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