Chapter 27

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Chris orbed us back home after our little talk

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Chris orbed us back home after our little talk. The place was quiet when we went downstairs.
I saw everyone in the dining room, even my dad. The place was all set up for a birthday party. I looked back at Chris.
"I told them I wouldn't promise you'd like it, but we all thought you deserved a nice birthday." I tackled him into a hug. he picked me up and walked over to everyone else.
"Happy Birthday KC." Mom said.
"Happy Birthday." Everyone else said. It was then I noticed Darryl and his family here too. I must have had a confused look on my face because Darryl spoke up.
"I couldn't miss your birthday sweet heart. one thing doesn't stop all the help you've been." He said. "I'm just not involved in everything anymore." I nodded my head.
Mom had made a big dinner for everyone, so we sat at the table and ate as family. Chris and dad were even getting along which really mad things great.
"So KC, how old are you now?" Sheila asked.
"Officially a teenager."
"Yeah don't remind me." Mom said. "Let's home she doesn't give all those stages before things are done with." Everyone laughed.
"I think she'll be fine mom. the worst she's ever done was miss cast a spell and blew up her room." Chris said, "And that was at grandpa's."
"Well she's a Halliwell." Phoebe said. "We've all had some crazy teenage years."
"I think that'll be later when I'm in highschool and start dating." Then Chris started chocking on his drink.
"Excuse me? Dating? No, no I don't think so." Chris said. Everyone started laughing.
"Ok, well I think it's time." Mom said and left for the kitchen only to come back with a cake. "Darryl and Sheila were nice enough to bring this with them." She set it down in front of my and lite a total of three candles. "Make a wish KC."
I thought really heard about that. I wanted a lot of things, but one things stuck out the most.
I wanted a family. I happy family with my mom, my dad, and both my brothers. I wanted to have the life I should have had, that Chris and I were working hard for.
That was my wish when I blew the candles out.
"What did you wish for?" Chris asked.
"I can't tell you." I said and then mom cut the cake and gave everyone their piece.
After that dad put the rest in the kitchen.
"Now KC, with you being from the future we know we can't really give you anything." Dad said.
"But there is something we can do." Mom said and sat down next to me. "Chris told us, that there isn't a single person that remembers your real name."
"So for you birthday, we want you to pick your name." Dad said.
"For when you're born."
"Really?" I asked.
"Really. And you don't have to tell us now, but, it's your choice." Mom said.
"Thank you." I got up and hugged mom as tight as I could. Then I went over and hugged my dad just as tight.
"Well we didn't get the memo about no presents." Darryl said as he handed me a small box. I opened it and found a leather journal. "Chris says you're very smart. Thought maybe this way, you can remember everything here."
"Thanks." I gave both him and Sheila a hug.
After the party and Darryl and Sheila left, I sat in my room. I had changed into my pajamas and just laid on the bed, looking at my room. Dad had helped me change it a little, more me.
There was a knock at the door and I sat up.
"Come in."
Chris slowly opened the door and came in. He had something in his hand.
"Hey Kid."
"This is for you." He handed me the tiny box in his hand. "That's not from me either. It's from Wyatt."
"He had that made for you a long time ago, he wanted to wait until you were thirteen."
I opened the box and found a necklace with our symbol on it. the same one that was on the book of shadows, and Wyatt had tattooed on his palm. (Picture is the necklace)
"Wyatt made this?"
"Yeah." Chris knelt down next to the bed. He's evil, and I hate his guts for everything he's put us through, but I guess he's still our brother. He still somewhat cares. I thought I should give it to you though."
"Thank you." I looked at him. "I mean you could have lied and said it was from you. Thank you for telling me the truth Chris."
"You're welcome KC. I'm sorry there's nothing from me."
"It's fine Chris. I don't want anything. Being here with everyone is all I want." Chris smiled and sat on the bed, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to his lap so he could hold me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest.
"How did you grow up so fast?"
"Time flies I guess."
"You need to get some sleep." I pulled back and set the necklace on the nightstand. I then got under the covers and Chris tucked me in. "Goodnight KC." He kissed my head before leaving, turning out the lights as he left.
I laid in bed for a moment thinking about today. I hated my birthday for as long as I could remember, but now, being with my family, I felt different. I felt like I belonged somewhere. I couldn't wait to see how the future changes.

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