Chapter 1

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"this isn't right..." Jisoo called trying to hold herself together.

"We both know we want this" Yoongi said kissing her neck. While his hand slid down and under her shirt to get a grip on her breast.

"Ahhh Oppa" Jisoo breath out. She knew they both wanted it. But she also knew it wasn't right. She had fallen for him and she knew he felt the same even if he didn't admit it.

Suddenly Yoongi stopped and looked at jisoo hand still under her shirt. The sudden stop caused Jisoo to groan wanting more. Yoongi smirked at her liking the fact she wants him as much as he did. Yoongis smirk caused Jisoo to realize what she had done and she began blushing. She pulled his hand out from under her shirt and pushed him off trying to get up. But Yoongi pushed her back down getting on top of her. She shut her eyes tightly tilting her head to the left. Yoongi leaned down and Jisoo shrieked thinking Yoongi would do something but instead he kisses her forehead. Jisoo opens her eyes to find Yoongi starring right back at her with soft eyes. The same eyes he gave her the first they made eye contact.

"Oppa...." Jisoo called out softly and Yoongi just stared at her "can..." She stuttered " you say it?" She asked and he didn't reply "just once? Can you just say it once?" She begged wanting and needed to hear him speak those words she so much wanted to hear. Those words that even if he felt them she knew he wouldn't admit to it yet she wanted him to say it at least once.

Yoongi leaned in close to her ear and she could feel him smiling next to her ear. He opened his mouth and she could feel his hot air on her. "Never." He whispered to her ear and released her getting up and leaving her apartment.

Once she heard the door close she sat up. Tears began falling her face unwillingly. She was sad, angry, disappointed, and embarrassed at herself. She leaned her head on the headrest of the bed. She slammed her hand on the side of her bed forgetting all she felt a minute ago for him and feeling angry once again. His words kept running in and out of her head 'never'. Just like the day she made eye contact with him at school. She remembered it as if it was yesterday.

*First day of school back in Korean*


"yes mom?"

"be a darling and go wake up your sister or you guys might be late on your first day of school"

"okay" jennie walked straight upstairs to wake up a still sleeping jisoo. she walked in her sisters room without knocking.

"yahh...!" jisoo yelled "dont you know the meaning of knocking?"

"unnie lets go!! we wil be late and dont forget no english in school!" jennie reminded the older girl " btw unnie do you think people will realize we are twins?"

jisoo looked at jennie from head to toes and then at herself from head to toes " nah!!!" jisoo finally said

"really?" jennie asked

"aissh babo!" jisoo smacked the younger twin on the head "of course they'll know look at us. aish!"

"i dont think they'll believe it though" jennie said

"why?" jisoo asked confused

"look at you and look at me!" jennie stated "you may be older but im still prettier and cuter."

"yah..!" jisoo smacked jennie once again "well then your right.. they wont believe it. look at yourself" jisoo said and jennie smiled proudly at jisoo's words " you look arrogant and rude. as for me i look nice and kind" jisoo finish sticking her tongue out at jennie before leaving for downstairs.

"morning" jisoo called

"ahhh jisoo. honey good morning. did you sleep well?" her mother asked and jisoo nodded "im glad." her mother placed three plates of food on the table " im happy to have both my babies back in korea. i've missed you both so much." their mother finished hugging them both at the same time

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