Chapter 17

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~ No one's POV ~

*Back in Korea*

Yoongi sat on Taehyungs couch after his call with Jisoo. He knew she was still upset and he was too. But he was trying to make everything okay even though she wasnt making it easy.

"Hyung" Taehyung called to him. "She still upset? " he asked

"Yeah, and she will be for a while more. Its Jisoo we are talking about remember?" Yoongi smile saying that. He knew how Jisoo was after all.

"Did she say anything about Jennie?" Yoongi threw a couch pillow at him "Hyung!"

"If you so much want to know how Jennie is then go call her yourself."

"But hyung" Taehyung pouted " She wont pick up my calls and its been a month now"

"Look I know Jennie stil loves you so just give her time. She isnt Jisoo's sister for nothing. They are both stubborn remember? So dont worry she will soon give you the chance to explain."

"Why cant you tell her? She will listen to you! " Taehyung kept insisting to Yoongi but got nothing in return.

"Why dont you ask Lisa to help you. Shes your sister after all" Yoongi suggested

"That the worse idea you could say. Her and Chaeyoung are both angry at me too. Specially Lisa, she wont even look at me and avoids me when I go home to visit. She sometimes locks herself in her room or leaves to go to Chaeyoungs or Kookies. She does anything as long as she wont see me. Its like if she hates me!" Taehyung dropped himself on the table feeling his energy leave him.

Yoongi sighed at the guy in front of him. He knew he should help him but he want Taehyung to handle it himself. Jennie would soon come around and he knew it.

"Why is it so hard to date those two?" Taehyung asked and Yoongi laughed

"Maybe because they are twin " Yoongi laughed more

*Back at Paris*

Jisoo woke up before her mother and Jennie. Walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower, getting ready for her day. She was suddenly craving chicken and she headed out to find somewhere where they sold chicken.

Jisoo found a small stand that sold food but no chicken. She bought it anyways suddenly craving what she saw. On her way back to the hotel she passed by alot of other food stores and pasteries stores and to everything she saw she would suddenly crave it buying without hesitation.

At her arrival back to the hotel Jennie was shocked seeing everything Jisoo had bought. Jisoo didnt care and place all the food on the kitchen table and began eating it.

"Unnie, are you okay? Why so much?"

"Yes, I am perfectly fine." Jisoo said with a wide smile as she took out some chocolate from one of her many bag.

"Omomomo" their mother came out of the bathroom freshly showered. "Jisoo darling what is all this?" She began inspecting the bags seeing all the food Jisoo had bought "Hun, you could feed an army with this"

"Sorry" Jisoo said putting down her chocolate "Its a lot right? Im sorry I shouldnt have bought it all" Suddenly Jisoo got teary feeling like she did something wrong.

"Omg unnie" Jennie ran to her upon seeing how Jisoo got emotional out of no where.

"Jisoo darling why are you crying? I was just joking"

"But you are right I shouldnt have bought all this. Everything is going wrong lately. I seem to not be doing anything right. Look at me I cant even choose a stupid dress and we been here for a week already. Every menu we look at nothing is to my liking. Like why is it so hard to pick things for a wedding? " Jisoo cried out

"Hey Jisoo its okay. You are just stressed. How about we go back to home today and buy whatever dress you want from there. We dont have to make this a fancy wedding. How about I step out and you choose everything? yeah?" their mother asked realizing the stress Jisoo was getting and decided it was for the best if she stepped out of it.

"I want to go home" Jisoo said and her mother nodded. They booked the first flight back and headed to Korea that same night.

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