Chapter 5

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Yoongi's POV

I saw the way Taeyang hyung looked at Jisoo the whole time we were at the club house. He just would take his eye off her and for some reason that bothered me a lot. I have never felt like this before not even when I was dating AOA Hyejeong. We had dated for 3 years and yet i never felt like this with her. Not once was i jealous but seeing Jisoo meet her ex bf really make something come from inside me. I wish I knew what this was....


"Are you still not able to drive?" Lisa asked Jisoo and Jennie and they both nodded. it had been a month already since Jisoo and Jennie got their car taken away. thier parents told both girls they had to win their car back, to which Jennie really thought wasnt fair and kept on complaining to her parents on a daily, which only caused them to be without car longer. Everyday since Chaerin, Lisa and Chaeyoung have been picking them up.

"Thanks to Jennies big mouth they have taken the car for long" Jisoo said smacking the younger twin.

"Hye you cant blame me! you know its not fair at all." Jennie started defending herself "shit you too arent okay with this so why blame all on me." she began speaking in english

"okay okay , girls thats enough!" Chaerin said interrupting the sisters fight. "Who wants sushi?" she asked as she took out her phone ready to order sushi

"Chaeyoung and Jisoo don't eat sushi" Taeyang said taking a seat next to Jisoo.

Jisoo and taeyang were in good terms now. the day Chaeyoung gave Jisoo and Jennie a key to the club house. Taeyang took the opportunity to talk to Jisoo about what had happened. after talking Jisoo understood and forgave him. they were starting all over, as friend and since there was already alot of history between them it wasnt hard for them to get close once again. Everyone would think they would get back together and be happy but they were wrong...

"ohh really" Chaeyoung asked "wow that is so cool. seems we have more in commen then we thought" she said looking at Jisoo and Jisoo just smiled and nodded in response.

"where are you going hyung?" kookie asked as he noticed Yoongi getting up from the table.

"I just need air.." he responded a bit coldly but it didnt surprise no one since he was normally like this.

Yoongi had been watching Jisoo for quite some time and he hated the fact that Taeyang was always there around her. ever since they talked and solved their issues they had become unseperable and he hated that. He couldnt sit there another second and watch how Taeyang would flirt with Jisoo. he had becoma jealous of their relationship even if they were just friends.

"ill talk to him.." Hoseok said getting from the table to follow Yoongi

"hyung?" Hoseok said taking a seat next to him at the rooftop of the schools building. that was Yoongis favorite place to think and Hoseok knew it very well. Yoongi being older and all the closest to Hoseok. Hoseok knew Yoongi inside out, which was the reason why he hated when he came to the roof with him. "Hyung..." Hoseok began his speech "if you like her that much just tell her already.."

"what!?!" Yoongi responded in shock yet a bit upset at Hoseoks words

"ohh stop it hyung. i know already, you dont need to hide it from me.its too ovbious that it bothers you when Taeyang hyung is with Jisoo but if you never tell her she will never know." hoseok explained

"whats with you?" Yoongi said "i dont like her! why would i like her? have you seen her? she is so irritation and how she acts around Taeyang like are you serious? does she even know he has someone else now?"

"hyung ... i think you are in denial and that is normal but if you dont fight for her that Jiwon guy will keep talking to her. honestly Jiwon isnt that bad himself so if Jisoo falls for him you will be at fault for not telling her.." Hoseok said. he got up and looked down at Yoongi who was still sitting in the table that was on the rooftop. "its you decision just make sure you dont decide too late" and with that he left a thinking Yoongi at the roof.


"how is he?"Jisoo asked as soon as she saw Hoseok returning

"you'll wait and see" Hoseok said taking a seat next to Namjoon "and...."

"3" Namjoon said

"2" Jin said

"1" Taehyung finish counting down and Yoongi appeared folling behing Hoseok

Yoongi sat In front of Jisoo and just looked at his phone. "are you okay?" Jisoo asked him in a low tone so only the two of them would hear. Yoongi looked up surprised she was being like that and nodded lightly. "im glad " she said with a big smile on her face, causing Yoongi to smile too

"wow" Taehyung said looking at Yoongi "did hyung just smile? Jisoo please talk to him more often.... he seems to know what smiling is when you are around" Taehyung mocked and caused him to earn a smack from Yoongi "ahhh that hurts hyung!"

"then shut up next time" Yoongi said and returned to Jisoo and smiled lightly again before turning to his phone again

Taehyung on the other hand kept rubbing his head because Yoongi had smacked him really hard and Jennie was helping him feel better by rubbing it for him too and she gave him a kiss on the cheek saying "do you feel better now?" and Taehyung just smiled at her returning the kiss but instead of her cheek, he kissed her on the lips. and that action caused Jennie to be surprised and blush at the same time

"yah!!!~" Jisoo yelled at Taehyung and smacked him on the same spot Yoongi had before

"unnie~" Jennie whined "leave him alone!" she said getting up and grabbing Taehyung by his hand and heading outside to be alone for a moment.

"Jisoo can we talk?" Taeyang suddenly said to Jisoo which caused Yoongi to look up too and Jisoo turned to him and smiled lightly to him before nodding to Taeyang. they both got up and left the group. Hoseok turned to Yoongi and he felt Hoseoks stare and turned to him. Hoseok signaled him to go after her but Yoongi hesitated for a second, he wasnt sure what he should do. he was in denial after all so him going after her meant Hoseok was right and him staying meant he was just being stubborn. Yoongi knew that there was only one way for him to find out if whatHoseok had told him earlier was true or not.

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