Chapter 11

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*ring ring ring ring*

I heard Jisoo's phone going off. I checked the time it was passed 12. Jisoo was soundly asleep, head on my chest. I wanted to reach for her phone and turn it off but everytime I made a movement she would move too. I checked her phone once I got hold of it, luckly she didnt wake up. Jennie had left her 20 texts, 4 voicemails and 13 missed calls. I know I should of woken her up and told her but I wanted to be selfish and keep her by my side a bit longer. I turned off her phone and went back to sleep with her in my arms.

~ Jennie's POV ~

"Still nothing?" Lisa asked me as I try calling Jisoo for the 100th time. She left the house yesterday afternoon and didnt come home at night. I had to lie to our parents and tell them that she ended up staying with Mino oppa. Mino oppa was our cousin and I asked him to lie if our parents called him and asked. He gladly did. He lived on his own and had a job already as he went to college already.

I had to tell him what happened and he told me not to worry that Jisoo was just angry and would turn up in school the next day but she didnt show up. That is when I began to worry big time. Last time we saw her, she got on a bike with Yoongi oppa and drove off.

"Do you think she is still with Yoongi oppa?" Chaeyoung asked and I couldnt help but think the same thing. Was she with him still? Did they spend the night together in the same place?

"Im not sure." I told them honestly "but I hope she is, I rather think Yoongi took her home with him then left her on her own."

"Yoongi took who home?" Taeyang oppa asked as he took a seat with us on the table. I knew he would be worried but if told him that Jisoo didnt sleep home last night and had left with Yoongi oppa that same day he would flip.

"Umm Jisoo unnie ..." Chaeyoung was about to tell her brother what happened and I could let that happen. I elbowed her in the stomach and she groaned in pain "Ahhhh appa"

"Ohhh Chaeng are you okay?" I asked her "We better take you to the nurses, Lisa" I said and Lisa understood on cue and stood up and walk with us. Leaving a very confused Taeyang behind.

"Yahhh! Were you going to tell Taeyang oppa?" Lisa asked Chaeyoung " Well why shouldnt I? He is my brother and I dont see the problem in him knowing." Chaeyoung responded

"The problem of him knowing is that he still is very protective of unnie and if he finds out she didnt come home last night and that we last saw her with Yoongi oppa will make him flip. And most like end up going over to Yoongi oppas apartment." I explain to her and she nodded in understandment thank god for now she wont tell him.

"And given they both arent here...." Lisa began "means they are probably together now. Omg so it means they did spend the night together wow."

"Jisoo and Yoongi spent the night together?" we all turned to the voice and our eye widen and our mouths dropped as we saw the boys and Taeyang oppa standing behind us. "Answer" Taeyang oppa said "did Jisoo and Yoongi spend the night together?" shit I cursed this is exactly what I didnt want to happen.

None of us responded but he didnt care. He walked away furious and headed straight for his car.

"Oppa no wait" I called out to him but it was too late. He had already left. I turned to Taehyung and he noticed my worried expression. Everyone knew how Taeyang oppa could get if he was mad and right now he was furious.

We all went to Yoongi oppas apartment and saw Taeyang oppas car already park. He was probably already there. I ran to Yoongi oppas apartment number and saw Taeyang oppa slamming the door hard. I could swear a few more slams and the door would break, he began to yell out for Yoongi oppa.

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