Chapter 19

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~ Jisoo's POV ~

I woke in the middle of our flight feeling dizzy. I thought it was weird since not once had this happened to me before. I notice Jennie wasnt sleeping and she asked me why I was awake. I told her honestly I was feeling dizzy and then I suddenly had a craving. One I would never think I would ever have. I wanted Mango, the fruit I hated the most yet I wanted it the most right now. I told Jennie and of course she looked at me weird but still called for the airflight attendent to ask her for some.

Minutes later she returned with a big plate full of Mango and I looked at it so excitedly. I found myself weird at time and I noticed Jennie did too. I began to it the Mango and surprisingly I found myself enjoying every bite I took. Before leaving I heard the attendent say "Please enjoy im sure both will love it" we both looked at her weird and I pulled the plate away from Jennie. I wasnt going to share with her please she can get her own and of course Jennie told her "Ohh im sorry its not for me" but the girl just smiled weirdly as if she wasnt telling us something and walked off. I heard how Jennie said 'weird' underneath her breath as she was refering to the attendent.

I ignored her and kept on eating my Mango with so much delight. I was almost done when I felt weird. I felt as if I needed to throw up and indeed I did. I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up. "What the hell? Am I really stressed over this wedding?" I asked himself. Either I was really stressed or I had caught a virus before leaving to Paris.

"Are you okay miss?" I turned around and found the same girl that took the Mango over to me. She looked worried and of course she should be because if anyone on the plain caught some food poisoning over their food it would be bad for them.

"Yes im okay. Just stress" I told her flushing the toilet and sitting down for a moment. She handed me a glass of water and I gladly took it bowing as a thank you to her.

"Are you sure you are just stressed?" She asked. I looked at her confused and she just smiled

"Either that or I caught a virus before my flight to Paris" I told her, she seemed to be enjoying me suffering and I could understand why.

"Miss I am sorry if this may sound rude and I do apologize ahead of time for it but do you think maybe you could actually be pregnant?" I dropped the glass of water and it shattered on the bathroom floor. "Omg are you okay? Let me get that" she held my hand lightly and moved me out of the bathroom and sat me on one of their resting places. She was cleaning the glass silently. Once she finished she turned to me again and smiled.

"What do you mean" I asked her as I was still trying to process what she had said before I dropped the glass or water.

"Forget it" She smiled kindly " It was just a thought"

"But you would just say it just to say it. There has to me a reason" I told her

She smiled and took a seat infront of me " Answer me something" I nodded " Do you like Mango?"

"No I hate it" I told her with all honesty

"When I was pregnant of my little baby I used to crave a lot of Mango and believe me when I say I hate Mango. Never would I think of myself eating it like ever and yet there I was eating it throughout my whole pregnancy"

"But what does that have to do with me?" I asked her still very confused and she laughed lightly.

"Nothing really but I am not wrong" she paused and taking out a card from her bag or at least it looked like her bag "I would get checked. You know just incase." she smiled and stood up

"But..." I paused "What if I am? What do I do then?" With all honestly I am not even sure to why I was asking her to began with. She was just a stranger who suddenly assumed I was pregnant but I wasnt, was I? Could I really be pregnant? Omg and if I am what do I do then?

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