Chapter 13

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Jisoo headed straight to her locker, she wanted to go straight to class and forget what she heard Rose and Lisa say to Taehyung and Yoongi. She felt somehow hurt at the fact that he was engaged though so was she. She was going to do everything she could to end that engagement of hers but after hearing that he too was engaged she decided to let her parents decide for her future. After all parents always know whats best for their children right?

She walked her head bowed down not wanting to be notice by anyone and her headphones pluged in to not hear anyone calling for her. As she reached her locker she noticed someone was already standing there waiting for her. He was the least person she wanted to see at this moment.

"Jisoo" he called her name so softly she almost threw herself in his arms to kiss him, but she stopped herself from doing so. "can we talk?" he asked her not looking at her. His gaze was glued to the ground.

"No need to talk Yoongi" She told him and that made him looked. Only to see she wasnt looking at him but inside her locker fiddling around her things.

"What ? " he asked

Jisoo closed her locker door with a sigh and looked at him in the eyes " Yoongi dont make me repeat myself please. " She began to walk away but he stopped her.

"What is wrong? Did I do something wrong?" he asked worry surrounding his face.

"Yoongi" Jisoo looked at the grip he had on her wrist "We dont have to talk. " she told him " I know about your engagement already. " She paused, removed his hand and face him properly " And you know about mine."

"So thats true?" He asked

"As true as yours is. So we leave it here. It was fun while it lasted" she walked away and into her classroom. She took her seat and saw that Jennie wasnt there yet. She sighed thinking Jennie was still probably crying in the rooftop.

Chaeyoung and Lisa entered the classroom and took their seats in front of were Jisoo and Yoongi sat. They smiled at Jisoo but she didnt smile back and they were taken back.

"Whats wrong Jisoo?" Chaeyoung asked and Jisoo just rolled her eyes at her "Wow hold up right there miss. Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Chaeyoung said in an irritated tone.

"So what if I did?" Jisoo said back and ignored them. Chaeyoung wasnt going to take her attitude just because.

"Yah! " Chaeyoung got up from her seat and everyone who was already inside turn to watch what was happening. "What is your problem? " she asked crossing her arm in front of her.

"My problem?" Jisoo stood up too "You want to know what my problem is?" She asked her rolling her eyes again.

"Omg are you serious right now?" Chaeyoung was to the point of exploding. If one thing she hated the most was attitude but mostly attitude being given to her specially for no reason. Though Jisoo had her reasons but Chaeyoung didnt know them. "What did I do to you? Look its not my fault if you got in trouble after spending the night at Yoongi oppas apartment okay"

To this the classroom went quiet. Thats when Chaeyoung realized what she had just said and she knew it cause a big problem. That news would spread like fire in the school and Jisoo would be seen as an easy girl who spent the night with a guy she just met less then 3 months ago.

"Look I didnt mean to say that out loud." Chaeyoung tried to explain but Jisoo wasnt paying attention "Just why are you being so rude, giving us, me attitude and rolling your eyes like if I was your enemy, like if you hated me. I thought we were friends?"

Jisoo scoffed and gave her a small smirk " Friends? haha please" Jisoo said looking at her from head to toes.

"Wtf Jisoo. Why are you mugging me. Shit is something is bothering you just tell us. If I did something wrong or said something wrong then just tell me. Dont be like this" Chaeyoung said in a much cooled off tone.

"I have nothing to tell you. I would tell you even if my life depended on it. " Jisoo told her. Jisoo grabbed her bag and headed to the door but stopped mid way and turned back to Rose and Lisa. She searched into her bag and once she found it she pulled it out "And here" She threw it at Rose "You can have your stupid club key back. I dont want it no more. Jennie will soon give hers back." Jisoo then walked out of the class.

Once outside everyone else began to talk about what happened. They took out their phones and began to spread the news just like Rose thought they would. Yoongi then ran inside hearing how the news spread like fire. Noticing Jisoo nor her stuff where there he turned to Rose and Lisa.

"Where is she?" he asked them but they were staring at the key. "Is that her key?" he asked. "Yah! Chaeyoung-ah" he shook her until she reacted


"Where is she?" he repeated

"She left" Lisa told him "And we dont know where. She give Rose this though" Lisa pointed to the key in Chaeyoungs hand.

"What happened?" He asked them.

Just then Jennie entered the room. Head hanging lower then ever. She was known how always holding her head high and not letting no one bring her down but today she looked awful. As if someone had magically stolen everything from her. She ignored everyone and went straight to her desk. Yoongi, Chaeyoung and Lisa looked at her shocked. They too found it odd, it scared them to see the bright smiley Jennie gone.

Jennie picked up her things and headed to the door. Not noticing everyones eyes. Yoongi, Chaeyoung and Lisa ran after her and stopped her.

"Jennie" Yoongi called but she didnt stop her tracks. She seemed like in a trans. Yoongi reached for her hand and was able to stop her. Thats when she realized someone had been calling her. "Hey" he said softly, she looked at him.

"Hey " she smiled at them for less then a second and went back to staring at her feet.

Chaeyoung approached her "Hey Jennie whats wrong?" She asked her with a very soft tone the one she used when she knew the other person was hurting.

"I - " Jennie stopped her words when she spotted someone down the hall. Lisa noticed and turn the same way as Jennie, followed by Yoongi and Chaeyoung. Jennie's head went back to her feet and made Yoongi let go of his grip.

"Wait " Yoongi called her again "Did something happpen between you guys?" he asked and but she just shooked her head.

Tears began to fill her eyes and she walked away knowing any minute she would be crying a river. This time they let her go and when straight to Taehyung who was still standing at the end of the hall watching Jennie almost break down. Once Taehyung saw Jennie leave he slammed his hand in the lockers behing him.

"Oppa?" Lisa called to him "what is wrong with you? Look at your hand " she said taking a close look at it.

"What happened? "Chaeyoung asked him and he just sighed pain evident in his face.

"We broke up" He told them. Lisa rubbed his back trying to make him feels better.

"Why?" Yoongi asked

"Her choice..... She said that it was for the best. And that once her sister got married she would leave Korea."

"What ? She will?" Chaeyoung asked and he nodded.

"Where was Jennie heading? " Yoongi asked "She might be going with Jisoo" he said.

"I dont know, but Jennie said she wanted to remember the good times before she left." Taehyung informed them. The four of them thought hard about where would they go if they wanted to remember good times.

"I know where they are " Chaeyoung suddenly said and she ran to the front of the school.

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