Chapter 14

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"Unnie" Jennie called out to her sister who was driving. "Did we do the right thing? I mean, won't we regret it later?"

"Jennie, we might regret it later but it was the right thing. I will be married off to god knows who and once that happens, mom is sending you away. If we stay with them they will end up hurting more. So yes I think it was the right thing."

"Are we almost there?"

"Did you return the key?" Jisoo avoided Jennie's question by asking her another question.

"No...." she responded

"Give it to me," Jisoo demanded and Jennie obliged by handing the key to her sister. Jisoo took it and placed it in her pocket.

The clock hit 8pm and they finally arrived to their destination. They got off and grabbed their bags and headed straight to the cabin.

" I feels like it was just yesterday we came here." Jennie said and Jisoo nodded.

Jisoo opened the door and went inside. As for Jennie she stayed outside staring at a swing that hung from the big oak tree besides the cabin. She smiled bitterly seeing that swing on the tree. It brought memories to her, she wont ever forget.

"Jennie come on" Jisoo peeked out the door seeing that Jennie wasn't coming in. "What are you looking at?" Jisoo asked her stepping outside the cabin.

"Taehyung confessed to me there. Under that same swing. I was happy hearing him say he liked me too," Jennie said. "It feels like it was just yesterday but it was over a month ago." Jennie turned to her sister " Is it stupid of me to say that I love him? Even if it's only been about a month since we dated and less than 3 months since we met?"

Jisoo shook her head and smile at her sister caressing her cheek. "It's called young love Jennie. Its normal for you to feel that. Trust me, come on let's rest and call our parents"

" It really felt like he was the one," Jennie said, still staring at the swing on the oak tree "I don't think I could find anyone like him. Or feel what I feel for him. Just like you will never find anyone like Yoongi oppa." she then walked into the cabin leaving her sister behind staring at the swing like she did before.

Jisoo understood Jennies feelings, she too felt them. She too wanted to forever stay with Yoongi the same way Jennie wanted to stay with Taehyung. But she knew her mother would never change her mind about either. She would be married off to someone who she would meet tomorrow night over dinner. Jennie would be sent to Paris to study once Jisoo was married and settled in in her own house. It's a house because Jisoo knew it wouldn't feel like a home.

"Yes mom, yes," Jisoo said over the phone, "We will return before 7pm. Don't worry I'll be there for the dinner. Just give this to us please?" Jisoo begged her mother to let them have this day for themselves in return she promised to do as she wished in regards to the engagement. Gladly her mother agreed.

"So what did mother say?" Jennie asked as she came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body and a towel on her head.

"She agreed but we must be back before 7pm tomorrow for the dinner," Jisoo explained and Jennie only nodded, " I will shower now. Taeyang oppa said there should be clothes in one of the rooms. He said we could use whatever we wanted."

"Okay," Jisoo smiled lightly seeing her sister skipping to the rooms to find clothes.

Jisoo took a quick shower and was done in less than 30 mins and went to the rooms to find clothes too. There she saw Jennie in girl pj shorts and a small girl t-shirt one too. "Where did you get that?" Jisoo asked her and Jennie pointed to the closet behind her. She looked at the clothes carefully, they noticed some how seemed familiar. "Jennie?" Jisoo called and Jennie turned to her, "Aren't these Chaeyoung's clothes?"

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