Chapter 3

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Taeyang POV

I heard how Lisa and Chaeyoung called for someone. From what Chaerin told us those two girls were new to our school, and also the same age as Chaeyoung. Chaerin had said they spoke English too and had studied at the US. She didn't give us names all she really said was they were both short and very cute. She had also mention how one of them spoke back to Yoongi, which really surprised me. Everyone was scared of Yoongi, so that really was something I had to see. I wanted to meet this girl who had stood up to Yoongi, being new and all people don't normally know. But still something about the way Chaerin talked about these girls seem familiar. I had a feeling in my chest about it and could quite figure out why.

When we came to the girls car. I notice both of them seemed familiar. Just by looking at their back I felt like I had seen them before and maybe I had at during lunch or something. I saw Lisa pulling one of them while Chaeyoung went to the other side and pulled the other. When I saw both girls my surprised was massive. I couldn't hide it at all. It was Jennie and Jisoo. I felt like I was dreaming and this wasn't real. But it was them, they where here in Korea, on our same school. I couldn't take my eyes off of Jisoo. She was still as beautiful as always and Jennie still looked as innocent as always with her cute baby smile. Remembering what Chaerin had told us earlier I knew exactly who had talked back to Yoongi. Just like always, she hadn't changed. I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. I felt guilty for leaving her like I did back in the US. But I really had no choice. Chaeyoung needed me. And I couldn't tell Jisoo the reason. If I would of told her, she of wanted to wait until my return and I knew there would be no return. I had no choice but to break her heart in order for her to move on and live happily.

Once our eyes met she was just as shocked as I was. I saw how her eyes widened at the sight of me. She wasn't happy but I saw no hate in her either. She was hurt, disappointed, angry but no hate. We stayed like that staring at each other for a while as if it was just us two. Who had met in the middle of a street. Ignoring the rest, at this moment it was just Jisoo and I here standing, staring at each other's eyes. "Jisoo " I finally was able to say. Her eyes widened even more as she heard my voice. She didn't move nor did she say a word. There was silence from her and everyone seemed shocked just like her. They were all asking questions but I wasn't paying attention. I only focused on Jisoo. Jisoo turned to Jennie and I could see Jennie was still looking at me and then turned to Jisoo.

Chaeyoung : you know oppa?

Jennie and Jisoo : Oppa?

Lisa : umm.. yes. He is Chaeyoungs brother.....

Jisoo : say what? This is your sister?

Taeyang : Jisoo.. can we talk

Jennie : um I think not... Taeyang oppa.... After how you left unnie you really think she will want to talk to you...? Pfff.. please get lost man....

Jiyong : Taeyang? How they know about that name?

Taeyang : guys ill explain everything later, but Jisoo please lets talk...

Chaeyoung : oppa? No... explain now... why do you know them? Why do they speak to you with our name..?

Jisoo : we dated back in the US

Chaerin : come again?

Chaeyoung and Lisa : What??

Jennie : yeah.. until you dumped her like nothing and came to Korea. Leaving her behind after everything that you two went through together

Jisoo : that's enough Jennie, let's just go.

And like that I saw Jisoo turn her back like the day I broke up with her. She didn't turn back, nor did she cry there were no tears in her eyes that time and of course there would be none today either. It had been years since I came to Korea, I could only assume she had moved on or was dating someone else. Jennie got on the drivers seat and Jisoo on the passengers seat and they drove off.

"oppa!" Chaeyoung yelled, she seemed very upset at what had just happened. "whats this? Explain! You own me at least that much."


"no!" she yelled "don't Chaeyoung me!" she was really upset. I could how everyone was reacting seeing Chaeyoung like this. "you own me this much! So I need you to for once talk to me!" tear began building up on her face. She was hurting and I knew it, everyone did, but we couldn't do nothing about it. She wouldn't talk to no one about it. "please stop shutting me out. For once lets talk!" she cried for the first time ever since our parents death.

I couldn't tell Jisoo that was the reason for my return. She would feel guilty and want to come with but I knew her parents wouldn't like that one bit. And Chaeyoung wouldn't of liked it at that moment either. But its too late now to speak of it with Jisoo, a lot of time has passed and there was no point anymore. Yet I still had the need to explain.

"I need to talk to Jisoo first." I said with out realizing

"what?!" Chaeyoung responded

"Rose, come on let him talk to her and that way he can explain to all" Jimin asked of Chaeyoung to calm down and she did as he asked. I was grateful for his appearance in her life. Thanks to him she had become more stronger and was able to smile once again. Jimin had brought Chaeyoungs happiness back. Something I had been trying to do for years but was unable to. And suddenly Jimin came along with the BTS boys and changed Chaeyoung for the better. He has been able to keep her happy and I was grateful for that.

I turned to Jimin with a grateful look and he understood and smiled taking Chaeyoung away.

"let's follow them "Taehyung suggested I wasn't sure what his intention was but at this moment I had no other choice. We all agreed and got on our cars and bikes and drove away. Chaeyoung went with Jimin in his bike. She didn't want to ride with me. Lisa got with Jungkook, Taehyung got on his bike, Chaerin got in GD's car and the rest of Big Bang came with me, while the rest of BTS drove with Jin. Taehyung sped up to catch up to the girls. But there was no sign of them anymore. We drove and drove until Taehyung stopped in front of a big house.

Yoongi's POV

Jin hyung suddenly slammed on the breaks without giving us a warning. I heard Hoseok, and Namjoon groan in pain. We all turned to the front to see why Jin hyung had suddenly stopped. We saw Taehyung had stopped in front of a big house. The house was surrounded by a big black metal door.

"why you stop here ?" Jin hyung asked and Taehyung only pointed to the inside of the gate. We all got down to see and there it was. Jisoo and Jennies Jeep, but to our surprise there was Jennie too. Sitting on the stairs of the outside of her front door. She seemed to be talking on the phone with someone. Taehyung lifted his hand and was about to wave it but I noticed Jennie didn't look too happy talking on the phone so I grabbed Taehyungs hand and stopped telling him to not interrupt. There was a big 'ding dong' sound and we all turned to see Chaeyoung ringing the bell.

"hey!" Jennie called from the front gate "what are you guys doing here? How did you find where we live?" she asked with a big smile on her face. She opened the door and let us in passed the gate. I saw how Taehyung kept looking at her and I knew his eyes said he had fallen for her. In a way I was happy about that because I had never seen him this excited for no one before. He was the typical playboy but this time there was something different about the way he looked at her and I knew he was in love. But how, he had just met her, he can't be in love like this. But once again we are talking about our Taehyung, Kim Taehyung the one and only.

Jennie seemed to enjoy Taehyungs company and I heard how Taehyung invited Jennie and Jisoo over our club house. I turned to make sure everyone was okay with and there seemed to be no objections except for Chaeyoung. She didn't look too happy I could see Jimin talking to her until Taeyang hyung began talking with her too. Jimin came next to me to give them their privacy. Jennie and Taehyung were laughing and smiling a lot. Suddenly the front door of the house opened revealing a not too happy Jisoo. She stood there looking at Jennie and Taehyung and turned to the rest of us. Jennie approached her explaining to her the reason to why we were there and Jisoo only looked at Jennie with a no on her face. I felt disappointed for a second until I saw Jennie do aegyo on Jisoo. Jisoo seemed to have given up and agreed to come to the club house with us. She looked over to me but only she wasn't looking at me. She was looking at the person behind me, and then her gaze turned to me. Jennie wanted to ride with Taehyung on his bike but Jisoo didn't allow it she insisted on them taking their car so the could return home when they pleased.

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