Untitled Part 29

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"Omg unnie" Chaeyoung cried "You both look so beautiful"

"I wish I looked like that the day of my wedding" Lisa commented

"Yahh Lalisa " Jennie said "Are you kidding? You were Miss Thailand. I swear I had never seen someone look so beautiful with such a simple white dress. "

"Thats true Lisa, you looked beautiful. So beautiful I wish I would look like that today too but im not you so haha" Jisoo commented

"You are saying this but have we forgotten Chaeng. She was glowing so much like wow" Lisa said

"Okay that enough. " the four girls turned to the door once they heard a familiar voice "Unnie" they all screamed and ran to her "We missed you so much" they all said "How was the trip?" Lisa asked "How is baby Jiyong?" Chaeyoung asked "And oppa?" Jennie asked "Im so happy you are here " Jisoo said

Chaerin laughed at the girls. "Okay one at a time. I missed you all too and Ji oppa is outside with the rest of bigbang and bts. Baby Jiyong is exicited to see his Jennie auntie. He kept asking every second 'are we almost there' I swear Ji oppa almost gave him to adoption to you Jen. And also we are so sorry we couldnt go to your weddings but dont think we dont have your present. Ji oppa has big surprised for all of you." Chaerin told them all

"What is it?" Jennie asked and everyone waited for her answer.

"Well we know Lisa, Jungkook, Jimin, Chaeyoung and the twins are currently living together in one apartment." She paused.

"Omg no....." Jennie said and she nodded "Thats is amazing!" she commented

"What" both Chaeyoung and Lisa said together

"Ji oppa is gifting you both a house so you have you families together. "

"Omg what?" Chaeyoung squealed but as she seemed happy and excited, Lisa looked a bit sad at that. "Whats wrong Lisa?" Chaeyoung asked her but she only shooked her head but tears were already seen on her face.

"I was happy living with you " the girls looked at her in aww and went to hug her right away.

"That no problem" Chaerin told them "Your houses will be next to one another and across from yours will be Jisoo's and Jennie's. I heard the twins are both pregnant and have the same time" She smirked "Just how connected are you two to get pregnant at the same time?" she laughed

"Its the power of twins" Jisoo and Jennie said at the same time and everyone laughed after. "You girls really look beautiful. It makes me remember my wedding to Ji oppa"

"I heard my name" Jiyong walked in holding baby Jiyong while Taeyang held baby Jiyoung. "Mommy" they both said jumping off to run to their mothers arms "Aigoo my babies are so big" Chaeyoung said and kissed both of them.

"Aunti" they ran to Jisoo "You look pretty " Jiyoung said and Jiyong nodded. "Aww thank you but you too look at you. You will be the best looking out of all" she pinched their cheek and they ran off out of the room after with their little giggles being heard from the outside.

"Wow who would of ever said the twin would be marrying together and with those idiots" Jiyong said which cause Jisoo and Jennie to laugh. "Those are some luck bastards" he said

"I think we are the lucky ones oppa" Jennie said "No one has ever put up with me other then Jisoo unnie so... And Jisoo unnie is too much to handle right oppa?" Jennie asked Taeyang and he laughed "You have no idea he said."

"Oppa" a girl called walking in bowing to everyone "Jimin is calling for you. He said Chaeyoung told him not to come in so he cant"

"You must be Hyorin" Jisoo said with a bright smile "And you must be Jisoo?" she smiled back. "How is oppa treating you?"

"He is nothing but gentle " She blushed and Jisoo knew what she meant

"He better be if not let us know and we will beat him" Jennie said putting her fist up in the air ready to beat Taeyang.

"Dont worry you'll be the first to know" she whispered to the girl "Okay enough lets go, they have to prepare" Taeyang said pulling his wife away before she planned her murder with these girls.

"Are you ready?" Jisoo asked her sister who nodded.

Both walked out finding their father waiting for them at the end of the hall talk to Yoongis father. Yoongis father would take Jisoo as Jennie would walk with her father. The ceremony began and both girl walked side by side with Yoongis father and their father on each side.

The moment Jisoo made eye contact with Yoongi she couldnt take her eyes away. Yoongi looked at her with so much love. Jisoo smiled him and placed her hand on her stomach mouthing 'I Love You' him. His eyes sparkled like never before.

Taehyung showed his boxy smile once Jennie was standing infront of him, she was blushing. Taehyung lightly kissed her cheek and cressed her stomach.

Both twins were now 6 months pregnant so their stomach was visible enough.

"I do"


Everyone gathered at the salon that was rented for them to enjoy their time together. Everyone danced, laughed and talk.

Everyones parents left giving the younger once time to enjoy their time before everyone sent Jisoo and Yoongi, Jennie and Taehyung to their honeymoon.

Everyone was sitting on a table laughing when suddenly there was a cry. Taehyung ran before everyone else because he noticed first since he was facing the girl crying in pain.

"Lisa" he held her "Lisa are you okay?" everyone else ran to her.

"Ahhhh" she cried as she digged her nails in his arm.

"Her water broke" Chaeyoung said pointing to the ground where a small puddle beneath her.

"Omg Lisa babe are you okay. Tell me are you in pain. Lisa do you need me to help " Jungkook was shut up by Lisa angry smack on the back of his head.

"Of course im in pain you big idiot. Shut up and take me to doctor Mino" she yelled at him but everyone stood frozen on their feet. "NOW!" she yelled, that when everyone began to move.

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