Chapter 7

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"Unnie" Jennie yelled as soon as I walked through the door of our parents' house.

"yeah yeah, I know" I told her hugging her back

"Oh Jisoo, darling I heard Yoongi went over last night." My mother wiggled her eyebrows at me and I could do was roll my eye "so...? "she asked "did anything happen?"

"Mom!" I said, and she laughed "god no why would it?"

"well you know he will be your husband soon so there is nothing wrong with having fun before marriage." I couldn't believe my mother at this moment, was she really my mother? Did she just tell me so sleep with him?

"Unnie, what mom is trying to say is if something did happen she wouldn't be angry or upset" Jennie tried to explain but I wouldn't listen.

"well no!" I exclaimed "nothing happened. We just ate and watched a movie"

"what did you cook for him" mom asked and Jennie just laugh at moms question knowing I couldn't even boil water

"nothing" I answered "we ordered pizza and tteokbokki"

"Jisoo!" my mother exclaimed "why didn't you cook? You must cook for him. He will soon "

"yes yes yes mom I know" I interrupted her "my husband and he will be eating my food so I must feed him. I know mom you've told me a million times!"

"well then if you know ?" she asked wanting to know why I didn't cook for him last night

"I offered but he refused"

"yeah, he knows you suck at cooking." Jennie made fun of me "he aint tryna die before the wedding day"

"stop it with your getto ass would you?" I suddenly became upset. Even if she was right, I hated to admit that he wouldn't like my cooking. Suddenly my phone ringed and it was a call for Chaeyoung.

"mmm" I answered

"where are you girl? We been waiting for an hour!" Chaeyoung said and I looked at Jennie confused and she the face she makes when she forgets something important

"shit!" she exclaimed and took the phone away from me "we are on our way. Anything you need or that you may be missing?" she asked and began writing down a list that Chaeyoung must of given her. "mom we must go now. I love you" Jennie told mom and mom just smiled and waved to me as Jennie pulled me out of the house.

"Yah!!!" I yelled as we reached the front door "yah!!! I just got here!"

"we are late unnie, mom already knows don't worry. She doesn't mind now lets go!"

"where are we going? Can you at least tell me that?" I asked but she gave no response. We got into her car and she drove away. We made a few stops here and there but she still said no word. After the 3rd stop I gave up and stopped asking.

"aren't you going to ask anymore?" Jennie suddenly spoke

"no!?" I said

She laughed "why not? Don't you want to know?"

"will you tell me?"

"no hahaha"

I knew it. She was just teasing me. She wanted to mock me. She was always good at that. Just like when we were in school. She suddenly stopped the car in front of the club house. I turned to her and she only smiled. She signaled me to go inside with her head.

"aren't you coming too?" she nodded but told me to go in first.

I wasn't sure if it should. I have always been the type to get scared easy and something was telling me I would end up scared if I went in, but I still did as I was told. I walked in slowly and of course it was dark but luckily I knew where the light switch was. I reached for it and turn the lights on but it wasn't working. Damn I thought, had it really been that long since these place was used that the lights got cut off? I looked for my phone but I remembered Jennie had it. I walked in slowly and cautiously making sure no one would come up and scared or nothing would happen. As I kept walking, the sound of my steps became more and more echo and I knew I was in the center of the room. Suddenly a small light came up in front of me. I came closer and it was a candle, the candle light on its own. I got suddenly scared I thought the place had become haunted or something. I stood still hearing more steps around me. Some came from behind, others from in front, left and right. They were everywhere, and I couldn't see them.

"SURPRISE" everyone shouted at the same time and the lights suddenly turned on. I could see everyone was there. Chaeyoung, Lisa, Chaerin unnie, BTS, BigBang boys. Suddenly I remembered it was my birthday. Wow I had totally forgotten, and Jennie knew it. I looked around to see if he was there.

"he is not here" Lisa said noticing I was looking for Yoongi and she was right he wasn't there. Truth is most likely he wasn't even going to show up. We spend the whole day at the at the club house. We drinked, ate, played games and talked about everything and anything. Slowly one by one began leaving. In the club Chaeyoung, Jimin, Lisa, Kookie, Jennie, Taehyung and I were left. We stayed behind to clean the big mess we had done. I went to throw the trash in the back with Kookie.

"Jisoo" Kookie called my name and handed me a piece of paper before walking back inside. I unfolded the paper and read it. It was from Yoongi, he wanted to meet at my apartment as soon as possible. I ran inside, grabbing my jacket and bag and asked Jennie for her car keys. At first she refused but Taehyung convinced her saying he would drop her off, I assumed all BTS boy knew of this already.

I drove as fast as I could, I was worried. I had a feeling inside of me that told me I had to get there now. I arrive after 30 minutes or so and ran up the stairs, I didn't want to wait for the elevator. Forgetting I had heels I ran and ran and ran trying to reach my level. I fell on the stairs, running in heels was a bad idea, I had stepped on a step wrong and it caused my ankle to twist a bit, but I didn't care I still got up and ran. As I reached my apartment I tried looking for my keys inside my bag but I couldn't seem to find them. Suddenly the door opened, Yoongi was already inside. I knew he had used the key I gave and that made me happy. I jumped on him and hugged him tightly, to my surprise he returned the hug. When we released his eyes were on mine. He picked me up and brought me inside my apartment, placing me on the table.

I look at the table and it was all nicely set. Fancy plates, wine glasses, utensils, and I wine bottle in the center of the table. I could see there was food already cooked and ready to be severed from where I was sitting. Yoongi walked over to the kitchen counter and picked up a box and handed it to me.

"what this?" I asked but he gave no answer. Instead he walked over to the kitchen again and picked up the plates of food for us to eat.

"aren't you going to open it?" he asked as he noticed I had placed the box next to me on the empty chair. I slowly shook my head and he nodded.

We eat our meals, that he had cooked himself. Yoongi was good in the kitchen, while I was a mess. After dinner he picked everything up and told me to go sit on the couch and I did as I was told. He washed dishes and picked up everything from the table. I slowly opened the box, only to be shocked by what was inside. I turned to Yoongi who was still in the kitchen, I couldn't believe my eyes. Tears began rolling down my face as I took out a silver bracelet. The bracelet had a simple yet beautiful small key hanging from it with my initials encrypted on it.

Yoongi came close and knelt in front of me. He took the bracelet out of the box and put it on my wrist. He noticed my teary eyes and wiped them away.

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