Chapter 20

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"Are you ready" Yoongi asked Jisoo before he dropped her and Jennie off on their house. Jisoo turned to Jennie and signaled her to go ahead and she did. Jisoo wanted some alone time with Yoongi before going in to face her parents. "Is everything okay? Will you be find?" Yoongi asked her seeing the concern on her face. "Yes, I think I can do this" Jisoo told him not so sure herself.

Yoongi held her hand tightly assuring her everything will be fine. She felt safe, she felt secured, she felt loved and she knew she didnt want that feeling to ever go away. She didnt want him to go away. "Are you sure this will work?" Jisoo asked remembering the plan he told her back at the cabin in the woods.

"It will" he assured her "it will because we will make it work. I wont let my father marry me off to some random person I would never love. And I wont let your parents marry you off to some stupid asshole who will make your life a living hell. Specially not if I can be the one to make your life a living hell." he joked and it work because Jisoo laughed smacking his arm lightly. "You are such a pabo" she told him and he smile. He was glad it had worked. He loved seeing her smile like that.

They sat there in silence just staring into each others eyes. The look they had was full of love. The had truly fallen for each other and hard. Yoongi leaned in closer not break the eye contact with her. He leaned in until their mouths connected. Their kiss was slow, soft and gentle. There was no hurry, no lust, just pure love. Jisoo moved her hands to cup his face as their kiss grew deeper. They kissed for 5 minutes straight not wasting any second, but they ran out of air so the parted their lips from one another.

"I'll call you" Jisoo told him opening the door to his car. As Jisoo was about to get off Yoongi stopped her. He held her hand tightly and looked at her eyes. Those eye that made him get lost in time. Yoongi was head over heals for her and she was for him too. "I love you" he told her and her eyes sparkled before answering him too "I love you too" she said leaning in to give him a quick kiss and heading straight to her house.

Jisoo woke up the next day feeling worry. Would she be able to pull this off and convince her parents to break the arranged marriage she so did want. She was worried about how Yoongi would make his dad break off his marriage. Yoongi had a way of doing things that werent always so subtle as they normally should. So her main concern was if he would do something that would make his dad hate him and decide to pull his wedding date forward.

She got up her head full of worry and headed into her bathroom to wash up. She didnt have school today because her parents had told her that she and Jennie would go with their mother to do some dress shopping for the dinner tonight. Jisoo refused at first but she knew no matter how hard she tried it was useless. Once their mother made up her mind there was no one and I mean no one to change it. She knew because she was the same and so was Jennie. It was one of the things they got from her other then her good looks and small size.

Jisoo finished getting ready at the same time as Jennie and they both headed down stairs together. Their mother already waiting for them with the breakfast ready. Seemed their mother was in a great mood because she cooked pancakes for breakfast. Jennie ate because she was always eating. Jennie could eat all day if possible, but Jisoo on the other hand had no appetite at all. She was dreading tonight more then anything in her life. She was scared, insecure and concerned about the dinner. She was hoping the guy would be nice and understanding, but specially have the same desire as her to break off the marriage.

They shopped all over the mall trying to find a dress fitting to the occation but nothing seemed to convince Jisoo because she clearly wasnt interested. That was until she found a simple white and black dress. The skirt was black and the top park white. The skirt fit tightly on her body along side as the rest of the dress but the top part of it had an extra top shirt that fit in loosely but it showed her figure perfetly. She fell in love with it the moment she saw it on the window of a the store they were passing and she knew she had to buy it. I t may not be the dress she was aiming for. But it was the one that caught her eye, so she didnt think twice before buying it. Her mother loved it too so she agreed on it being the perfect dress. As for Jennie she chose a simple black yet elegant dress that showed her figure too well too.

It was one hour before seven and Jisoo was sitting in her room not wanting to head out. She was trying to figure out a way to not go to the dinner but she found none. Faking sick wouldnt work on her mother, she knew her mother would just give her some pain killers and make her still go. This was more important to her mother the her own daughter being sick.

*Knock knock*

"Unnie" Jennie called to Jisoo who was still sitting in her bed "Mom is waiting" she told her with a sad tone. Jennie too wanted to stop this and help her sister be happy next to Yoongi but as much as Jisoo she had no power over her mothers decisions. So all Jennie could do was feel her pain and try her best to support her. "Come on unnie let get this over with already and do whatever needs to be done" Jennie told her as she helped her up and pulled her alone with her to head downstairs where their parents awaited.

"Ready?" Their mother asked them and they could only nod lightly. Jisoo feeling as if her last free days being pulled away from her.

To their arrival to the restuarant Jisoo let out a loud sigh once her parents where out of the car. Jennie looked at her sister and felt bad for her. She wanted to help her so bad but couldnt. Her need to help was so bad that if she could and if wasnt with Taehyung she would gladly trade with her so she could be happy with Yoongi.

Jisoo and Jennie headed straight inside following their parents into a more private part of the restuarant that was mainly only for rich people. It seemed that the other family was well off as well. "No wonder the marriage is arranged" Jennie told Jisoo who only nodded. This should be fun both of them thought to themselves.

It seemed they were a bit early since the other family hadnt arrived yet. Taking their seats they began to wait. Jisoo took out her phone once she felt it vibrate. She checked the messege and it was from Yoongi.

"How is the dinner going? Have you met him?"

Yoongi seemed more concerned about her dinner then his own. He knew she would probably be having a mental breakdown at this point. He knew he had put too much pressure on her on telling her how to handle the situation. She was about to reply when the door slid open. Both Jisoo and Jennie eye grew and their mouths dropped once they saw who it was in front of them.

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