Chapter 4

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Jisoo's POV

Jennie and I got on our car again, I let Jennie drive. I wasn't too much in the mood to drive. After Jennie got me to agree on this, I regretted it the second after but I had already said yes and I couldn't change my mind after. We arrived at the so-called club house. It was a big building. They had a sign in big light letters that said "BB CLUB" I looked at the sign trying to figure out what if meant but nothing came to mind.

"Stands for BigBang" Taeyang said standing next to me.

I turned to him and said "I didn't ask." And walked inside following the rest.

Inside there were several tables, pool tables, a karaoke machine, snacks machine, soda machine, a mini food bar, but surprisingly there was no alcohol.

"you like?" Lisa asked suddenly and I turned to her and nodded "it's oppas place. He bought it after his parents death. And named it after his group. One Chaeyoung and I began date Jimin and kookie, they became part of this too. " Lisa explained

"Who owns this place" I asked still not sure

"oppa does" Chaeyoung replied "its his and we all use it. Its our sacred place. Where we can all be at peace and where we all come to at whatever time we want to relax and forget about the bad thing."

"so Taeyang owns this place?" I asked and both Lisa and Chaeyoung nodded. "Its nice"

"Jisoo-ssi can we talk for a bit" Chaeyoung asked and I wasn't sure whether I should or not but my body responded quicker then my head and began following her to a table. "look I know you and oppa have a history. I want to understand. And I will one day but for now I it still hasn't hit me correctly. So please help me understand. Oppa wont tell me anything... he keeps me in the dark most of the time."

"so he still hasn't changed..." I said not realizing " sorry I didn't mean to say that " I told Chaeyoung. She looked at me in disbelief. "yeah he always kept me in the dark too. So when he left to come here, he never gave me a real reason. He broke up with me saying he didn't love me no more, but I knew it was lies. His eyes said the opposite of his words." I explained remembering the day Taeyang oppa had broken up with me.

Taeyang: Lets break up.

Jisoo: haha very funny oppa. Come on lets go im hungry and Jennie is waiting for us.

Taeyang: Jisoo...

Jisoo: mmm?

Taeyang: Lets break up.

I stood there as those words hit me slowly. He isn't joking about this. He really is breaking up with me. Is he being serious or is this one of his stupid jokes? He better be kidding.

Jisoo: What are you saying oppa?

Taeyang: Im tired of this. Lets break up.

Jisoo: you are tired of this? Of us? Of me? Is this what you are trying to tell me? You are tired of me? So what now you are going to go with someone else? Who are you going to date now? Is it that one Hyorin girl? What is she better now?

Taeyang: Jisoo stop. Its not like that.

Jisoo: ohh really is it not?

Taeyang: no!

Jisoo: then please explain to me. How is it like?

Taeyang: I cant say why or how.

Jisoo: really you are breaking up with me but not even going to tell me the reason?

Taeyang: Jisoo listen...

Jisoo: no ! I wont listen! You have said enough... you clearly never really loved me. And everything you once told was all lies wasn't it?

Taeyang: no Jisoo please listen

Jisoo: no I will not listen to any of your lies anymore. You don't love period. Just say that!

Taeyang: fine! You are right! I don't love you! Okay there happy ? it that what you wanted to hear? There I said it.

I stood there shocked at his word. Did he just really say that to me? He said he doesn't love me? So everything was worth nothing to him. Everything we did and went through was bullshit to him? He never once cared. He played with me just the way Hayoung said he would. He is nothing but a player. He waited until I told him I loved him so he could leave me and break my heart. How could he?

Jisoo: what did you just say? Are you serious? Did you just say you don't love me?

Taeyang: Jisoo listen!

Jisoo: NO! I will not listen anymore! You have said everything. No need to explain anymore.

Taeyang: I will be back Jisoo..... but just please wai....

Jisoo: NO! dont ask me to wait for you. You have made it pretty clear! I wont wait, why would I wait for someone who doesn't love me! No, Taeyang I wont do that! Bye Taeyang!

I said holding back my tears. I turned away from him and walked to the schools gate where Jennie had been waiting. I fixed myself to look happy and whipped my tears away. And grabbed Jennie by the arm and walked away from the school not looking back again.

"In a way I blame myself for the break up. I guess I forced him to say he didn't love, trying to find a reason to why he would break up after we had just turned a year together." I told Chaeyoung and she didn't say anything. She sat there quietly listening to the story of how her brother and I broke up...

"oppa really loved you!" she said in a soft tone looking at my eyes "he would call me often to tell me how happy he was with his girl. When I first met you and heard your name it never crossed my mind it would be you. Oppa never mention he had broken up with you either."

"I guess to him it wasn't a break up. He did say he would come back... but..." I paused for a second "but I never gave him a chance... maybe that is the real reason why he never went back..."

"look this is for you..." Chaeyoung handed me a purple key "and this one is for Jennie.." she handed a second key but this key was black

"what is this?" I asked looking at Chaeyoung but she only smiled

"wow Chaeyoung-ah!? Really?" Lisa asked Chaeyoung and everyone turned to look at us. Jennie walked over and sat on me looking at the keys on my hand.

"what is this? Can someone tell me what these keys are for?" I asked and turned to look at Jennie but she look just as surprised at I was.

Everyone came close to us and stood there quietly, everyone but Yoongi. He kept his distance. They all smiled at us.

"this is the key to this place" Chaerin said "everyone here has one of our own"

"Chaeyoung has giving you both one now. Which mean you are both part of our club now." Jiyong said

"wait what?" Jennie asked

"welcome home girls" Lisa said with a big smile on her face and I knew exactly what this meant. Chaeyoung had accepted us. She had accepted even though I wasn't with Taeyang anymore. I looked at Chaeyoung and she nodded smiling, I didn't know how to react. I wasn't dating her brother and they had just met us, how can she accept us without knowing us?

"I've known you from many years back thanks to oppa." Chaeyoung said understanding my questioning face.

"I want the black one" Jennie said taking the black key away from me " you keep the purple"

"I knew that's how it would be " Chaeyoung said

"Chaeyoung always get this feeling about people and that's how she decides on them. I guess from the begging she had made her choice." Taeyang said looking at me. Our eyes met and I felt warm again. The warmness that only he gave me.

Hours later Jennie and I left the club since it was late and we didn't tell our parents where we would be. When we arrived at home our mother was standing outside the front door and she didn't look too happy. Once inside we got scolded for leaving without permission and we got told that car wasn't for us to go party and disappear when we please. We got grounded thanks to Jennies big mouth and how she thought it wasn't fair.

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