Chapter 18

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~ Jennie's POV ~

We are on the plane heading back to Korea and both mom and Jisoo are sleeping. The sudden outburst from Jisoo earlier today made me realize that she must of been really stress and the fact that I kept complaining about being paired with Taehyung probably added more to it. All I did was complain during our stay in Paris. I really felt bad for everything I said. From now on I will help her with everything that I can.

"Jennie why arent you sleeping?" Jisoo woke up

"Ohh unnie why did you wake up?" I asked her as she sat properly on her seat.

"I dont feel well. Everything is moving here and I want mango" She told and I laugh but was shocked at the same time.

"Unnie we are on a plane of course everything is moving. But mango? You hate mango why so suddenly?"

"I dont know?" Jisoo said in a confused tone. "I just suddenly have a craving of it. Do you think they have here?" she asked

"Excuse me?" I called one of the flight attendent "Do you guys have mango?"

"Yes one second" she said and headed the the back area. A few minutes later she came back with freshly cut mango. A big bowl to be exact. I could see Jisoo's face lighten at the sight of mango and the flight attendent giggle at her cuteness.

"Please enjoy im sure both will love it" she said and we looked at her confused

"Ohh im sorry its not for me" I told her and she smiled with a nod and left us alone. "Weird" I mumbled to myself.

I watched as Jisoo ate the mango with so much pleasure plastered on her face. Is this the same Jisoo that I know. She is definetly being weird. First the food from earlier, her sudden outburst and crying, feeling dizzy and now shes even craving mango? What is with her? Is she that stressed? I was sure I needed to have a talk with Yoongi oppa when we arrive. What ever it is that happened between the two before we left for Paris surely has made her act weird and it was starting to scare me. So what ever it is he needs to fix it and like asap!


At our arrival we called a taxi and headed to our parents home. Jisoo looked so tired as if she hadnt slept all day but she did. She went straight to her old room and I went to mine to leave my things. A month ago I moved back to my parents. Jisoo unnie was still living in her apartment were she practically lived with Yoongi oppa. He would always stay over at her place.

I was unpacking my things when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I said and the door swung open "Oh unnie whats up?" I asked her and she smiled at me

"Jennie did you know that I love you alot?" She asked me taking me by surprise "You know I do right? And you know that I would do anything to see you happy even if it was against you right?"

"Unnie, you are really starting to scare me. Is everything okay? You been acting really weird lately. I mean you ate man... Ahhh wait unnie wait where are we going?" She begin pulling me out of my room. We walked passed our parent who only smiled at us and didnt say anything about leaving.

Jisoo drove us away "Unnie really where are we going?" she stayed quiet and only smiled "I hate you" I told her "You are getting pay back for what I did on your birthday" she laughed at my words and I knew I was right.

"Just trust me okay? I promise you wont regret it." she said and I stayed quiet.

We arrived at her apartment and she went down without saying a word. Of course I followed her. We went straight to her room and she let in first. I entered the room confused to why exactly I was here instead of resting on my bed.

"Unnie what is" she closed the door shut not even entering with me "Okay..." I said and walked inside thinking maybe she went to get something. I turned on the lights and saw there was a paper on her center table in her living room.

I wasnt going to be nosy about it but when I was my name on it I picked it up. "Lift the couch pillow" I did and saw there was a handkerchief with another note. "Put it on? what is this? I will not!" I sat on the couch for a minute and growned in frustration "AISH" I grabbed the handkerchief and cover my eyes and yelled "Okay now what?" I asked.

I suddenly heard foot steps coming close and close until I felt a pair of hands on me. I stayed silent no word was said from me nor the person holding me. I was frozen hands in my chest. I felt the person lean forward, he felt familiar. I could feel his breath on my skin and I melted at the feeling.

I knew perfectly who it was. This feel was something only one person could bring out in me. Kim Tae Hyung. He pulled me forward to follow him and I let him guide me to where ever he was taking me. He stopped his tracks and so did I. He said no word and I was getting irritated. What was I even doing there? Why did I even let him near me?

I truely am one stupid girl when it comes to him. Why is it that he is able to melt my insides everytime. Everytime it feels the same. The feel never getting old, never going away, never getting tired of this feeling. I sighed "Can I remove this?" I asked and he knocked on wood "Is that a yes?" again he knocked on wood and of course it was a yes. I smiled remembering it.

It was our game. A game we played when we were somewhere dark and he wanted to find each other. Also a very sensual game I once did to him. Remember makes my insides melt even more. Is he doing what I think he is? I took of the blindfold and of course I was right.

The room was dark but not fully I could see candles in the room and on the bed there was a big heart with Hyacinth flowers, my favorite.

"Okay enough Taehyung, come out now!"

"Fine" he said and I smiled but quickly became serious not wanting him to see he had made me happy. "Surprise" he said "Jennie, can you listen to me please?"

"No" I simply said and walked to the door but he grabbed me. He back hugged me to stop me from walking any further. "Taehyung let go" he held me tighter "I am not playing Taehyung, let me go"

"No" he said "Never will I let you go again" my heart beat so fast he could probably hear it "I am sorry but please let me explain" I stayed quiet to let him speak "I know what happened made it seem like something happened between us but I swear to you I would never do something like that to you! Jennie I love you and no one else. Not even with all the money in the world will someone make me stop loving you."

"Bullshit" I said underneath my breath and he heard me because he turned me around to face him.

"I am being serious Jennie. Irene is nothing to me. And I know that it looked like I cheated but I swear to you I didnt. Yes I wont deny she slept in my arms the night but I swear it was only that time and nothing ever happened. She had just broken up with her boyfriend and she was a crying mess. All I did was consule her and I hugged her but she ended up falling asleep and so did I." he told me

"If thats what really happened why didnt you try to explain any sooner?" I asked him

"I did try"

"You did not!" I told him

"I did but you never gave me an actual chance to explain. You moved back to you parents and never picked up my calls or answered my texts. I tried to go to the airport before you left to Paris but I got there too late."

"You are an idiot" I told him

"Yeah Lisa tells me everyday." he smiled god how I missed that stupid smile of his "Did you know she stopped talking to me because she too is angry and thinks I cheated?" he told me and I laughed god I love Lisa so much " So much that when ever I visit our parents she either locks herself in her room until I leave and if I am staying the night she leaves to Rose's house. Its not even funny anymore." He pouted in annoyance

"Ill take to her" I told him and his face light

"Does that mean."

"It depends, you have to convince me" I smirked and he took it as an oportunity to kiss me.

We kissed and our kisses got deeper and deeper. His hands trabeled all over my body and so did mine. He lifted me wrapping my legs around him as he took me to the bed placing me slowly and towering over me.

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