Chapter Seven

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Koga doesn't know what the hell is going on.
One minute he's racing that spitfire Arinaga down the road and the next she's knocked out cold. She must be sick, but... Why push yourself so damn hard? He asks Kagome.
"She's always been like that," Kagome replies as they make their way to the inn. Miroku works his usual "your place is overrun by demons, let me cleanse it for you!" schtick as they chatter idly.
Koga questions Kagome about Arinaga a bit, simply because he's curious: "How old is she?"

"Seventeen, which makes her a year older than me."

"Does she play tennis like you?"

"No, she runs track. She loves running."

Well, Koga thinks, Something we have in common.

"Is that all she does?"

"Well, no. She likes to write, and she does like to play tennis - just not seriously. She finds that she gets too competitive."

"Are you two midwives gonna chat all day, or can we get inside the inn?"

Koga glares at Inuyasha. "I'm not blockin' the door, am I?"

"I don't want Kagome sick like your woman there, thanks."

Koga almost drops the woman in question. He follows Inuyasha into the inn to lay her down for Chihiro to heal and then tackles him into the mud outside where they wrestle until Kagome cries, "Sit boy!" and Inuyasha's body almost breaks Koga's leg where he slams into the dirt.

With the fight successfully dispersed, Shippo deems it the perfect time to point out that tonight is the night of the New Moon, which Koga doesn't understand the significance of until nightfall.

Inuyasha turns human and sulks in their inn room, so the rest of the company decides to go outside to let him brood. Koga tries to stay, for Arinaga's sake, but Inuyasha proves to be too irritable. He goes outside, his mind on Arinaga.

If she's who I think she is...

Her cherry-blossom hair, the color of blush, leaves nearly no question about it. Her manner, the way her head tilts to the side just a little when she's listening intently. The mournful, poetic set to her eyes, pensive and intelligent.


Though he doesn't remember her hair being so short.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Kagome, with a marshmallow toasting merrily over a small flame. She sits about a foot away, her long legs folded beneath her, and her green uniform skirt rides up her thighs a little. Koga looks at the trees above because they're just so pretty at this time of day, you know? So freakin' green. Oh - he hasn't answered her question yet.

"Just thinkin' about Arinaga," he replies, and doesn't realize how weird that apparently is until Kagome practically makes heart eyes at him. He blinks, confusion written across his features. "What?"

"Koga, that's so cute! Do you like her?" What.

"What," his voice is so flat that it isn't a question at all - it's a tense reaction of surprise. Kagome's cartoon-hearts swell into infinity.

She squeals, "You do! Oh my gosh!" and her marshmallow catches flame. Koga stares wide-eyed at it. He's pretty sure they aren't supposed to do that. She pulls it out of the fire, still burning. "You want it?"

He shakes his head. Why... Why does she think I like Arinaga?
He likes Kagome. Kagome.

Kagome! Not Arinaga. He proposed to Kagome and he's going to marry Kagome - end of story.

Maybe he should inform Kagome that he doesn't think of Arinaga like that.

He does, and she frowns. "Then why did you ask if her last name was Ishikawa? You already knew - doesn't that mean that you're at least interested?"

Koga huffs. He'd only known because it'd been the same as that damn woman.

"No, I wasn't interested - I just thought I knew her from somewhere," he says as she blows out the burning marshmallow and puts it in her mouth. The cream of it sticks to her lips, and he watches intently as she licks her fingers one by one.

Oh, Hell.

"Kagome," he says, and she looks up at him, curious, listening, "Look, I actually-"

The sound of splintering wood interrupts him, followed by Inuyasha's yell of, "Arinaga, what the he-"

Kagome stands up, and Miroku marches up the hill to the shack. A moment passes, and there's a scuffle before Inuyasha's form is thrown bodily out of the hut, flailing helplessly until Kirara grabs him by the coat and places him on the ground.

He clambers to his feet, livid. "She attacked me!"

Miroku comes back down the hill, looking pale. "She's coming," he wheezes, and Koga can hear the sound of his punctured lung dragging air in. Chihiro must hear it too, because she tells him to lay down. He shakes his head. "She has my staff."

"Miroku, lay down," Sango insists, and Koga leaves them to make his way up the hill to confront Arinaga.

She's flying.

Okay, levitating, but Koga can't do it so it's pretty impressive. She twirls the monk's staff end over end in an infinity sign near her midriff, her expression treacherous.
"Koga of the Wolf Demon tribe," she says, and another, more ancient voice lays under it, harmonizing to use her voice for its purpose. "It's been awhile." Koga grits his teeth - he'd been right.

She smiles, sultry and sickeningly sweet, and Koga's face heats from the effect of it.

He widens his stance and she flips the staff to rest on her shoulder. "It's kind of flimsy for me, don't you agree? Flashy." She's talking about the staff. She holds it in her hands, inspecting it. "Gaudy."

A thrill of goosebumps races up his spine. His instincts say run.

His heart says stay. Talk. Let her be who she was before, all those years ago.

Let her love you.

He shakes his head, dismissing the thought. His heart aches in terrible longing. He says, "Stop it - she's just a human. You're going to kill her!"

"See, that's where you're wrong, Dearest," her gleeful laugh cuts into his ears and he winces. She's completely sure of herself. "This one's a demigod. She's one of mine."

Koga's face falls. "Amaterasu," he breathes, and Arinaga's smug demeanor falls a little. "What have you done?"

The Sight Of The Future: A Legacy (a Koga x Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now