Chapter Eight

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You wake up in a daze. A dark form sits in the corner and you startle off of your futon and your knee smacks against the wooden floor. Good God, your head hurts. You curse as you struggle to stay upright - your vision sways dangerously as the person moves closer. They lay their hands on yours, and the soft feeling of warmth both grounds and confuses you.
"Fuck," you shove away from them, blinking profusely to clear your sight. "Wait, back off, I'm-"

Sick. Maybe a little blind. Wait for me to fucking get my shit together, damn it!

"Arinaga, calm down. It's just me." You open your eyes to see that it's Koga. Kagome is asleep nearby and Inuyasha sits cross-legged on the other side of her, his eyes watchful as he regards her. Sango and Miroku are nowhere to be seen, and Shippo is asleep in the curve of Kagome's shoulder.

"Who are you now?" Inuyasha demands, and the question only baffles you further.

"Arinaga...?" You blink, pursing your lips. Your voice is gravelly and about an octave lower than normal. You must be more tired than you had originally thought. "I've... Always been Arinaga."

Koga sighs. "No, you haven't."

You look closely at Inuyasha, who looks closely at you in turn. He has a faded black eye that looks a sickly yellow in the dim lighting. You sit forward, and he moves to sit between you and Kagome, which sparks irritation in you unexpectedly. "What happened?"

"You went insane, is what happened," Inuyasha snaps, and Koga shoots him a dark look in return. "You explain it, then."

"You've been inhabited by the Japanese goddess of the sun," Koga says, and all thought processes in your head cease.

"What?" You laugh nervously, "No." Your brain feels like a slushie, liquid and sloshing in its container. In this case, the container is your skull.

"Yep," Koga scratches the back of his neck. "I knew the host before you," he mumbles, "You two... Have the same scent. Same bloodline."

You frown. "What does that mean, exactly? Inhabited."

"The goddess makes a place for herself next to your soul," Koga explains. "She'll lend you her power in exchange for the possession of your body."

"That's..." You say, and he makes an inquisitive sound. "Completely absurd. How do you know all of this shit?"

"Because I talked to her! Why're you so against it?"

"Because it's fucking nuts!" Your head pulses painfully when you raise your voice and you resist the urge to wince.

"It isn't nuts, it's how the world works!"

You look at him incredulously as Kagome stirs. Inuyasha gripes, "Now look at what you've done, you dolt."

"Inuyasha," Kagome murmurs sweetly, and he perks, turning to look at her. She looks up at him and smiles, all deception. "Sit."

You wonder at what that means (because that kinda sounded kinky as fuck, honestly) for a millisecond before Inuyasha is yanked downward by his necklace and slammed bodily into the ground.


"Whoops," Kagome's smile doesn't waver as she sticks her tongue out, mirthful as she arches her back, stretching. "I heard everything, by the way. I wouldn't be surprised if it were true."

You roll your eyes. "Not you too," you groan, and Chihiro pokes her head in from the doorway. She's covered in dirt.

"You get buried alive or something?" Inuyasha scoffs at her and she flicks a clod of dirt at him.

"I was resting," she replies simply, "Underground."

Koga snaps his fingers in front of your face when you start to doze. "We had to knock you over the head with Miroku's staff to make sure you didn't do any more damage. Does your head hurt?"

Well, that explains the headache. You nod. You feel like you're dying. "I'm goin' back to bed. 'Night."

You move to lay back down, waving courteously, but Koga says, "Whoa whoa whoa, bucko," and grabs you by the shoulders before pushing you upright to lean against the wall.

Chihiro steps forward. "I can help," she states as she places her dainty hands on the sides of your head. A sharp prickle of pain accompanies her touch and you wince, which causes Koga to become vigilant and look at you over Chihiro's shoulder. Her blonde hair fluffs out and covers half of Koga's face. She looks like a little dandelion, to be honest. You laugh airily at the thought of a passing breeze leaving her bald.

She frowns at you when it peaks to hysterical. "How hard did you hit her?"

Koga shrugs, looking guiltily at you. You don't quite understand why. "I dunno, pretty hard?" He picks up Miroku's staff and mimics the swing. Kagome cries, "Koga! You swung at her with a metal pole like that?"
Koga says, "Yeah...? She's alright, isn't she?"

Kagome asks you what year you live in. You try to say 2018, but it comes out as, "Twelve... Twenty. Twelve-" You scowl. Why is this so difficult? You were just talking a moment ago. "Twelve-" Your breathing quickens. You can't say anything but twelve - you know that if you open your stupid mouth again, it'll be the first thing that you say. What's happening? You try again anyway. "Twelve-"

Kagome holds her hands up placatingly. "Arinaga," she says, and blearily you see her worried expression. "Calm down. Chihiro here will get you all fixed up. Okay? No need to cry, alright? You're okay." You aren't crying. Real men don't cry. You wipe at your eyes and your hand comes away wet. Huh. Good thing you aren't a real man.

Man, you feel stupid. You close your eyes, resting your head against the wall. This has got to be one of the worst days of my life, you think miserably, and your next breath shudders traitorously out of your chest.


When you come to your head lays on something warm and firm. You're also laying on the ground, with a small fire burning cheerily a short distance away from you. You're covered in a wool blanket. It's way too hot.

You kick off the blanket and stretch your back out, your muscles protesting at the pull. You lay your head back down on your pillow and settle back in for another nap, your eyes already closing until a voice above you says, "Damn, are you that tired?"

You scramble off of the ground and regret it instantly when your vision clouds over. Hands rest on your shoulders and you turn to see Kagome, her expression worried.

"Are you okay? Lie back down for a bit." You say that you're fine and that you don't need to lie down, but she insists and you compromise by sitting. You look around for the pillow that you were laying on only to find Koga sitting with one leg straight and the other one bent at the knee to prop his elbow on. Sango sits on the other side of him and Miroku sits behind her. You can hear Kirara huffing playfully in the distance and surmise that she and Inuyasha are rough-housing elsewhere.

Shippo says, "You slept for a day and a half, Arinaga! Are you okay?"

The Sight Of The Future: A Legacy (a Koga x Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now