Chapter Twenty

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It's later in the night, and Kagome bought you dinner from a noodle stand in town while Koga had gone to hang his garments out to dry. The moon is high overhead.

You perk up suddenly, your chopsticks hovering over your soba.

"Oh, shit."

Kagome says, "Language, Arinaga, there's a kid here. What're you oh shitting about, anyway?"

You frown at her hypocrisy but decide to overlook it.

"I feel like we just hit a big milestone," you say, "Something about the number twenty."

She blinks at you. "The number twenty...?"

You pick at your noodles. "You don't feel it?"


You say, "Ah, fuck it. Not important."

"Arinaga! Language!"

You're just about to say suck my dick when Koga walks in in nothing but a traditional fundoshi. He's saying, "Hey, Kagome, can I-?" but you're so overcome with embarrassment and the need to look away from his near-nakedness that you slam your head into the hardwood floor.

Sango says, "Whoa, Arinaga!" and lays a hand on your back. You don't sit up only because you're almost sure that you split your eyebrow with how much panicked force you used to bash your face in.

Koga makes a choked sound that lets you know that he didn't know that you were in the shack.

"Aw, hell-" The bamboo curtain makes a wooden clattering sound as he exits, and Sango says that she'll ask Koga what he needed.

Kagome shoves you over and you roll onto your back, letting your arms fall to your sides and feeling warmth at your temple.

"ARINAGA!" Yeah, you split your eyebrow. "You idiot! Ugh, I'll get my kit, just hang on-"

You stare at the ceiling with one thought dominating your mind: I'm in too deep.

She makes you sit up and asks where you are, where you live, and the color of your hair - the Feudal Era, Tokyo, pink, yep, got it - before she tapes your eyebrow and cleans it.

"Arinaga," she says, once you've sat through her lecture about being more careful, "You need to work this out or squash it down."

You purse your lips. "That sounds really edgy, Kagome. You sure you're okay?"

"I'm just saying," she presses, "That you need to get your feelings in check before it hurts you in more ways than you'd expect."

Her expression is so bittersweet that you have to do a double-take. By the time you look again, it's gone. If you hadn't seen it the first time, you wouldn't have guessed that anything was wrong.


She ushers you to your feet and out the door. "So get going, love bird! See you when you get back!"

You stumble into the night, wondering just what the hell happened to your poor cousin.

Now you wander through the nearby forest, calling for Koga.

"Kooooooga," you shout, "Koooooogaaaaaaaa!"

Something rustles behind you and you try to ignore it, pushing down your sudden paranoia.
You're fine. There's nothing there.

"K-" You clear your throat. "KOGA! Ko-"

Something slams into you from the right and your call is cut off.

You yell, "Shit!" as you're roughly thrown down, and you feel your head snap to the side and hit the ground with a crack from the impact.

Something laughs lowly in your ear and a thrill of fear rips through you like wildfire.

"You smell sweet," says a low voice, and you swear your eye twitches with sudden onset disgust. "Sweet like honeysuckle nectar, like candied fruit, Master Furuikawa will enjoy you immensely-" Whatever this dude is, it's getting too excited for your tastes.

You yell, "Koga!" in the hopes that he'll appear, because God, this guy smells like rot and you're about to spew chunks-

"Getoffgetoffgetoff-!" You kick out, trying to get your feet under you and failing. It slams you into the ground again to get you to submit and your head smarts when it hits something hard. Kagome's careful tape at your brow splits with a sound like a gunshot - though that might just be in your head, which verifiably hurts like a bitch.

Your vision flickers and fades - you can't see your attacker, but you can still feel ice-cold hands on your arms and the dirt against your face where it presses your head into the ground.

"Just... hold still, my sweet, I do not wish to hurt you - oh." You wonder what could possibly have made him change his tune. "Oh, no."

You struggle to look up, your neck craning to see your attacker only to see a humanoid, corvid-like creature with a crow's head and dark, feathered skin. Its red eyes gleam in the shadowed cover of the night and you scream for Koga one last time, trying to turn all of your frustration and pain into anguished volume so that he might hear you.


Something stirs deep in your chest - it's a thundering thing, as fast and as sharp as heartbreak, and you cry out as what can only be described as a solidified beam of sunlight juts out of your chest, blinding and supernova-hot.

It catches the crow-man by surprise and for a moment he says, "Shiny..." before composing himself right in time for something small and white to tackle him from the front. You watch as he goes down in a dark tumble of feathers and dismayed cawing.

"Chi..." Your vision is fading out. "Chihiro..."

Chihiro shouts your name and you raise a hand, trying to channel that physical light again to help, but your arm fails you, slumping to the ground weakly as you lose consciousness.

The Sight Of The Future: A Legacy (a Koga x Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now