Chapter Thirteen

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Several days pass. Koga steers you in the direction of his wolf pack in the mountain range down south, and without any other options you've taken to following him.

It's evening now and Chihiro walks at your side, having chosen to rejoin you in favor of hanging out with "that unfortunate lot," in her scathing words. Her arrival had been maddeningly hilarious; she had emerged from a nearby bush, completely intact. Koga's screaming had really thrown the whole thing wildly off of its axis, though; he'd been saying, "Maybe we should look for a toOOWNAAAAA-" and then he had cleared his throat, schooling his expression and fluttering heartbeat as best he could while you had fucking died in the background.

Koga's shriek still brings a smile to your face.

"Quit thinkin' about it," he snaps at you, and Chihiro's deadpan breaks into a delighted grin. You've missed her, you can't help but think. You didn't know her for long before she, uh... Hibernated, but her sly humor and blunt truths have charmed you.

You sigh under the summer heat, rolling up your pantlegs to no avail. "The fuck's it so hot for?"

Koga clears his throat before swallowing thickly, but his voice comes out a little hoarse regardless when he replies, "We're headed south - it'll get worse the further we travel. Should be a stream a little ways up to cool off in."

You scoff. "Just how fuckin' well do you know the area, Boy Scout?"

Koga glances at you in the waning sunlight. "You can't smell it?"

Your eyes grow round with surprise and in your befuddlement you speak formally. "I cannot smell it, no."

Chihiro says that she can smell it. Koga looks at you like you're stupid because you can't. You roll your eyes.

"Oh, come on. Seriously?" You laugh, spreading your hands incredulously. They don't break character. "Seriously?"

Koga nods hesitantly. "...Yeah? Demons just have a good sense of smell. Man, you and your human nose," he chuckles, shaking his head. "Weak."

You look over at him critically and he flinches. "Not-! Not that you're weak, no! You're not. Just your... nose - you know what, I'm gonna stop talking. Please have mercy," he adds, and you can't help but feel like he's talking to the goddess. You roll your eyes; Amaterasu seems to feel the same way. Humans aren't weak.

Koga stops trying to spark conversation for awhile - the sun sets and you don't walk much further before Chihiro mentions setting up camp. You agree, and the three of you find a thicket to brace against the wind in.

You're rolling out the futon when Koga says, "Wait." His voice is a warning. You look up.

Chihiro is a flash of white cloth in your peripheral - she tackles you to the side as something emerges from the brush nearby and the two of you go down in a yelling collision.
"Chihiro!" You try to shove her off to no avail - she refuses to let go of your waist. You struggle to your feet, Chihiro clinging to you like a monkey.

You wonder just what the fuck she thinks she's doing as Koga jumps out of the way of - is that a giant dog? It looks angry.

"Damn!" Koga lands a heavy kick to its frothing jaw before moving in front of you and drawing his shortsword. The thing snaps its teeth at his leg and Koga moves you behind him with his free hand.

"Wh-" Your nose scrunches in indignance. "I don't need protecting-"

Koga shoves you back and slashes at the dog. "You don't need anything, I'm just trying to help you out - damn!" The dog bites at his ankle and he kicks out, landing a solid hit at the dog's face. It falls back with a whine and he takes a limping step towards you before it recovers and attacks again.

Fed up, you snatch his shortsword out of his hand and charge the dog, but it seems reluctant to fight you, regarding the wakizashi in your hand with a wary intelligence that makes you falter.
You say, "What do you need?" in a moment of self-forgetting.

Chihiro releases your leg. You tell her to help Koga as the wolf speaks.

"Please, there's a fire - my family," he says, and you're shocked that you can understand him, "My brothers."

You leave Koga and Chihiro to tend to themselves (read: call after you to just wait, but this is a matter that cannot wait, thank you very much) and follow the dog. He leads you to a cave blocked by smoldering bramble and tucked into a corner between two colliding rock faces.

You consider it. "This it?"

The wolf nods. "There is a fallen stone inside - I am too large to get past it and too weak to move it. Please, I will do anything." He bows his head and you fail to resist the urge to pet him like the good boy he is.
"It'll be alright," you tell him. "How many are there?"

"Most of the pack has evacuated. My four pups and my mate still remain, as well as the pack's omega and a stray pup."

You count eight. "Easy money," you say, feigning confidence. Apparently the wolf is convinced because he nods and steps aside.
"Good luck," he says, and you wave him off.

"I make my own luck," you scoff, and crawl through the bramble and into the burning cave.

The Sight Of The Future: A Legacy (a Koga x Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now