Chapter Twenty-Two

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Kagome is still dumb-founded several minutes later.
"Arinaga-!" She pauses. Looks at Koga. "And-and him?"
You frown. "You literally told me to buck up or squash it down."
"Well yeah, but I didn't expect you to actually act on it!"
Koga's face is the color of a tomato. He refuses to look either of you in the eye.
You smile at the thought of a flustered Koga before turning again to Kagome.
"I'm confused. What's your stance here?"
Kagome blinks. "My stance?"
"How do you feel about it, is what I mean."
"Oh!" Kagome facepalms. "Sorry. I didn't mean to come off as anything other than congratulatory, Arinaga. I'm so happy for you two!" Koga tucks his head into the crook of your shoulder, sending goosebumps down your spine.
Kagome claps her hands. You shoot her a wry grin.
"Yeah? Now it's your turn."
Her face reddens considerably. "Hey now."
"Don't you hey now me. I see you."
She groans. "Don't even start, Arinaga. I know. But you guys make a cute couple! Really," she adds, like you didn't fucking know that.
You jump at the sensation of Koga huffing irritably into your neck.
"You can come out now," you tell him, half-joking. He makes an ambiguous noise and pulls away, leaving you a little colder than you'd like to admit.
Kagome croons at him mockingly. "Aw, is Koga embarrassed?"
"Glad I didn't marry you, then," Koga mutters. Kagome reaches out and smacks him on the back a little too hard to be considered friendly.
"Aw, don't be like that! You're grouchy today. Almost as bad as Inuyasha."
Koga's brow furrows. "Don't lump me in with that mutt!"
"Anyway," you intervene, finding the conversation dragging, "Koga said you'd left. What happened?"
Kagome blinks. "Oh, we ended up going to the nearest town to get you some ramen, since there was a stand. We originally were going to leave, but I figured I couldn't without getting you some."
You raise an eyebrow. "So where is it?"
"The ramen," you press, hungrier now than you were a minute ago. "Where is it?"
Beside you, Koga's eyes narrow. You can see his nose twitch minutely.
"Somethin' isn't right here," he murmurs. He gets to his feet, standing in between you and Kagome.
"Who are you?" He asks her. "Because you sure as hell aren't Kagome Higurashi."
Kagome smiles, but it's a little sicklier this time. You'd thought that her lack of brainpower had just been her general air-headed quality coming out, but now you can see that there's nothing familiar in the way that this Kagome talks.
"There's no ramen stand in the village nearby," says Koga, and you realize that he's right. "And travelling stands don't come this far south."
You blink. "Dude," you say to him, in true chaotic neutral style, "Why aren't you killing her? Do you know how much info she probably has on your tribe at this point? How long has she been here?"
Koga's eyebrows raise as he stares at you. "That's... awfully violent, Naga," he says uncharacteristically, and your heart warms a little at the nickname, but you squash it down to share your logic with him.
"She obviously doesn't have any function aside from information gathering. Look at her," you say, and he does.
She's standing with her hands behind her back. There's nothing behind her eyes.
You get to your feet. "Kagome," you say, and she looks at you. You pat Koga's arm. "See? She's a puppet with Kagome's name on it."
Koga grits his teeth. "Yeah," he says, agreeing, and springs forward to grab her by the throat. His hand cracks through her skin like dry clay and he unintentionally decapitates her.
He steps back after her body shatters against the ground.
"Whoa," he says, obviously shaken, "She just..."
You shrug, mostly unaffected. "See? Fake."
Koga takes a deep breath. "Let's go for a swim," he says suddenly.

He leads you by the hand to a crook in the mountain's base that reveals a cave. You look on in apprehension, but he tightens his grip with a smile and you trust him enough to follow.
"I've never showed this to anyone," he says, catching your attention. "It's always been a favorite place of mine."
You enter. There's a natural pool below you, under a ridge that stretches about five feet up. The cavern is lit by luminescent moss lining the walls.
You gasp quietly, afraid to disturb the serenity.
"It's beautiful," you murmur.
Koga snorts loudly, ruining the atmosphere.
"This ain't it," he says, and picks you up before tossing you over the edge and into the water. You fall in with a delighted yell and he jumps in after you, grinning. The water is warm, almost. The cavern's ceiling stretches high above you.
"Then what did you want to show me?" You ask, treading water.
"Come on," he says, nodding downward. Your heart picks up its pace a little. Being able to see the bottom of the pool is the only way you're managing not to freak out right now. Now he wants you to go underwater with your eyes closed in a cavern that looks almost haunted.
You glance at the floor of the pool before looking at anything but him. He's frowning.
You say, "I dunno, I think I like it here," as nonchalantly as possible, which doesn't end up being nonchalant at all. Your feet can't touch the bottom of the pool and it's starting to freak you out how little you can actually see.
He seems to pick up on it, but you know that he can't actually pinpoint what's wrong because you think it's stupid and kind of obscure.
"Don't you trust me?"
Damn it.
You say, "Of course I trust you, you idiot."
He scoffs at that with a smile. "Then what's the problem?"
I don't trust the water, Koga. It's the stupid water.
He takes your hand and says, "Deep breath," before submerging. His grip is pulling you under. You manage to suck in a quick breath before you go under too.
You keep your eyes closed - fuck looking, you think. You don't want to see what's under here.
He guides you well enough, which you're thankful for. All you have to do is kick your feet.
It doesn't last long, though - suddenly his hands are at your waist and he's pushing you upward. You come up with a gasp and look down to see where Koga went before realizing that you aren't in the cave anymore.

It's humid. Sunlight dapples through the canopy above in languid lines of heat. There are dragonflies everywhere you look - perched on tree leaves, standing on sticks in the water, crawling across the rocks that frame the pool.
The water is warm, you notice. There are bubbles rising around you and it takes a moment to realize that this must be a natural hot spring. The water is crystal clear all the way to the bottom.
Koga comes out of the water less than elegantly with a loud fuah sound, breathing hard.
You snicker at him and get a face full of water for it.
"So," he says expectantly, and you blink water out of your eyes. "What do you think?"
A dragonfly takes the opportunity to land on the bridge of your nose. You go cross-eyed trying to look at it before you smile at him.
"It's beautiful," you say.
"Yeah?" He says, "You know what they say - like sides with like, and all that."
You frown. "What?"
"I'm callin' you beautiful, Arinaga. Geez." He snorts. "You're even loonier than that stupid clay doll from earlier."
You splash him with all the strength you can muster after treading water for several minutes. "I am not!"
He must sense your fatigue, because he nods at the rocks. "Let's go sit down for a sec."

You stretch out on a rock, more relaxed than you've been in awhile.
Koga laughs at the sigh that heaves out of you.
"Pretty nice, huh?"
You nod, letting your arms come above your head. Your eyes are closed, so you don't notice that he's close until he's practically on top of you. He lays on his side with his head propped on his hand.
You open your eyes, finding his blue eyes brilliant in the sunlight.
"You're beautiful too, you know," you tell him, and his face goes a little pink, but he doesn't move away.
"Eh," he says with a half-shrug. "I'm the chief. I'm s'posed to have good genes, or somethin'."
You roll your eyes. "Looks aren't what I'm talking about, Koga."
He blinks before realizing what you mean.
"Oh," is all he says, looking at a point in the distance like the concept of love beyond looks is foreign.
You pat his face. "You're stupid," you say in jest. He shakes his head, disbelieving, and leans down to kiss your forehead. You squint up at him when he pulls away, pleased.
He mistakes it for displeasure and frowns. "What? What's wrong?"
You shake your head. "Nothing."
"That was a really weird look you just gave me," he presses. "Did I do somethin' wrong?"
You roll your eyes. "Maybe I'm just bad at making an expression that shows how fucking happy I am, Koga. Ever think of that?"
He blinks. "Oh," he says. "So you liked it?"
You reach up to smack his cheek lightly before taking his jaw in your hand and pulling him towards you.
You say, "Shut the fuck up and kiss me," and he grins.


I figured some slight fluff was in order considering that I've never written fluff a day in my life, ever.
So I'll admit - I've got several avenues that I can take here, but I'm not sure of which one to go with :/
So I'm going to put it in your hands! Comment whether you'd like to see more of something - romance, exploration into specific characters or Arinaga's demigod business, or even stupid comical filler episodes.
I'll start working on it sometime before the 19th, so let me know by then, okay?
Stay golden, you guys :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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