Chapter Eleven

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You come upon another town. Your weird instinct has fizzled out, so you suppose you must be getting close.

There's a scuffle up ahead - you can see two men fighting over a mule cart.

"It's my mule, kid! Therefore the stuff in the cart is mine!" A stout man wearing a broad-rimmed straw hat shoves at a guy no older than you and when he turns you catch the blue eyes of Koga.

What the-? You make your way over as Koga replies, "Look, man - I don't want trouble. I just want my pendant. 'S in the cart. I'll just take it and be on my way." He sounds agitated, like he's said this multiple times.

You deem the situation fair enough to intervene. Koga nearly smacks you in the face with his ponytail from the speed of his head turning to look at you when you speak: "Sir, I really don't think he's lying. He doesn't want to steal your goods. Why don't we just take a deep breath and calm down, here?"

Koga murmurs, "Arinaga?" and the man's eyes narrow.

"An' just who are you? Some sorta witch? Your hair... It ain't natural."

You blink. "It's dyed," you say flatly.

"Uh- huh."

This man... Provokes your ire. "Man, just - give him the pendant. Please," you add, for good measure, "we won't bother you again."

"I'm not lettin' you into my cart an' that's final!"

You look at Koga, who stares mournfully at the cart; his pendant shines tangerine in the sunlight. You kick the man in the balls and snatch the necklace before taking Koga's wrist and sprinting right down the road.

Once the two of you are a ways off from town he yanks you to a stop. "What..." He huffs, out of breath, "What'd you do that for?!"

"He had your necklace," you gulp down a lungful of air, giddy, "I got it back."

"He had my necklace," he swallows and you try not to watch the movement of his throat as he does, "and I had it handled!"

"Staring at it like it's a dead relative isn't handling it, dude. That's called begging."

Koga sputters. "Wh - I wasn't - no! I don't beg!" He turns towards the road, looking indignant.

You drawl, "Suuuuuuure," and he waves you off in a huff.

It's getting late - the two of you sit at a campfire of his making in the waning light of the day. You tug your shoes and socks off of your cold feet and stretch out your legs to get them close to the fire. Koga, with a flat sort of curiosity, asks, "What kinda moccasins are those?"

Moccasins? You look down at your feet, at the shoes laying beside them. Oh. My sneakers.

"They're called tennis shoes, not moccasins. They're for running."

Koga frowns. "Do they make your legs stronger?"


"Do they make you faster?"

"Not really, no."

"Are they magic?"

"Nope. Just plain old shoes."

Koga scoffs, "Then why do you even have'em?" He picks one up and inspects it, turning it over in his hands and pinching the soft sole between two fingers.

"Because I don't have padded dog feet like you apparently do." You laugh when he opens his mouth to snap back but instead of hearing him out, you ask, "Are you alright? From earlier, I mean."

"Yeah? I got my necklace back." He throws a small stick into the fire and you both watch as it shrivels in the heat.

You shake your head. "I meant Kagome."

He sighs. "Yeah. I already knew she was with Inuyasha - that bastard, when I see him again..." You snap your fingers to get him to focus and he continues. "But I had this tiny hope that maybe she'd drop that jackass and accept my proposal. I can't say that I'm surprised, though - feels like that runt one-ups me on every playing field. In power, in Kagome... I can't get on equal footing with the guy 'cause he just... Steps up. Every damn time, like it's easy."

Your brow furrows. "What are you, stupid?" He blinks at you, startled. "Power and Kagome aren't the only two things in this world, dumbass. There's other shit for you to do. Hobbies, sports, skills to learn and play and have. All yours! If you're not a fucking coward."

He sputters, "I'm not a - a coward! I'm just... Goal-oriented!"

"Where'd you steal that word from? Kagome? Get ahold of your life - do something fun! Mountain-climbing, swimming, adventuring. The world is your goddamn motherfucking oyster, so slurp that bitch down like a man and pull Kagome's dick out of your ass."

Koga sits back, his expression completely lost. "I... What."

"Take." You get in his face and the shift of the heat from the fire chills your legs. "Kagome's dick. Out of your ass. Live. Your own. Life."

Koga stays silent. You press, "No input?" and he suddenly stands in a rush and blurts, "Gotta piss-" before bolting at a dead sprint into the trees.

You're left to scald your skin off from the proximity of the fire for a whopping ten minutes before he saunters back over looking particularly rosy in the waning light of the evening.

"What just happened?"

He shakes his head. "I don't wanna talk about it."

You shrug and decide to just sleep on it. But when you go through your things...

You frown at the contents of your backpack, skeptic. All of this shit and you had seriously forgotten a sleeping bag? What the fuck, you dumb-dumb. That shit's important. Like, nearly as important as food.

You're so fucking dead inside. How had you forgotten a sleeping bag? What a dunce. You decide that instead of beating yourself up about it maybe you should just go to sleep and figure something out in the morning.

You sigh, laying out on your stomach with your head pillowed on your arms. Koga, still sitting by the fire, asks, "You didn't bring a roll-out pallet or somethin'?"

You tell him that you did not in fact bring a roll-out pallet or somethin' in a very peevish tone. He tosses a roll-out pallet or somethin' at you that you manage to catch quite gracefully with your head. You perk to see what he's thrown at you and find the futon.

"Isn't this yours?"

"Well yeah, but I ain't gonna use it."

You frown. "Why not?"

"Gotta watch over you," he says, and you're touched until he adds, "Kagome'd kill me if anything happened to you."

Your irritation crests. "PULL HER DICK OF YOUR ASS," you yell, then lay out the futon in a huff and pull the cover over your head. He murmurs, "Her dick out of my ass?" and you fall asleep to the cheerful snap of the fire and the sound of Koga's low voice repeating your stupid phrase.

The Sight Of The Future: A Legacy (a Koga x Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now