Chapter Four

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Koga sticks with your group all the way back to Lady Kaede's hut. You don't know why. He and Inuyasha have been arguing all morning, and your migraine wants at least one of them out of the equation.
You turn to him. Chihiro is already smiling. "You usually follow these guys around or what?" He sputters indignantly and huffs like it's dignified to spit when you're surprised.
"'Course not," he says, like that's supposed to be fucking obvious. "I just wanna make sure Kagome gets back safe." Sweet fucking Lord, he's so peevish.
"We can handle it from here," Inuyasha says, and you can't help but be inclined to agree. "Get lost, mongrel." Oh.
Oh, wow. You're laughing because you're suddenly thinking of your brother's favorite insult butt mongrel and fucking Hell, they're looking at you like you've flipped your lid. Kagome raises an eyebrow at you. You know she'll get it, so you say, "Butt mongrel," and she chokes on her own spit.
"Arinaga, that's so gross!"
"It's so funny, though," you cuff her on the shoulder and she shoves you away, still laughing.
Shippo quietly asks Sango what a butt mongrel is and tears gather in your eyes because fucking Christ this era is just terrific.

After the two of you have calmed down, Kagome asks if you've felt strange.
You echo, "Strange." Sure, if being tired out of your fucking mind counts.
"Yeah. Inside."
Your eyebrows raise. "Inside."
"Like, in your soul or something."
"Or something?"
"Quit bein' a parrot and answer, damn it," Koga says, and you look at him without moving your head. It has an intimidating effect. He winces at his haste and opens his mouth, but you're already speaking.
"Do I look like I was talking to you?" Miroku whistles lowly and you roll your eyes at Inuyasha's quiet, "Damn, that's cold."
Kagome breezes past it. "Like, connected to something here."
You stop to ponder. "You know, as a matter of fact..." You pause, and she perks a little. Gotta have that dramatic effect. "Nope. Nothin'."
"Arinaga," she chides, and you snort. Worth it.

You don't know what she means until that night.

"Arinaga's gone missing!" Your brother, bursting into the Higurashi household. His eyes are the color of driftwood. He looks worried, his expression pinched.
Kagome's mother holds her hands out to him placatingly and he rests his fingers in hers. She says, "Tell me everything."

You shove yourself up off of your futon, breathing heavily. Your vision is spotty. You need a drink.
You don't know where to get a drink.
You lay back down.

"Ha!" You cry triumphantly, "Never underestimate the Prophetess, your Highness," and the staff in your hands spins off of your biceps and around your neck in a deadly arc to swing off of your waist and into your hands. The staff is a part of you, made from your grandfather's bones and
there's a blade in his hand, you ignore it, but
"Arinaga! Woah, what-"
You should not have ignored it. You should not have ignored it, you should have parried-
Hands on your biceps, yanking you to your feet. You sway in place, your eyes focusing on someone's face in front of you. Dark hair, for one. You don't know where you are.

"Itsuki...?" The brown eyes match until your vision focuses. It's the monk Miroku, and he looks very worried. "Oh," you blink blearily. "Hello."
Looking around, you see that it's just the two of you, and it's still dark. His hands are still holding your arms steady.
He sighs in what seems to be relief. You wonder why. "Hello, Arinaga."
"What's going on?" You look down at his hands, at your feet. "Uh, why're you - holding me like this?" He releases you and steps back. He's pale in the dim lighting, the sliver of the moon outside barely defining his features.
"You... Seem to have had a nightmare," he says, running a hand through his hair, which is down. "You were... Shouting." Shouting?
You don't remember any shouting. Just... Determination, and liquid dynamite for blood.
You ask, "Where is everyone?"
"Down by the creek, drinking sake," he replies, rummaging through his futon nearby. "I had just returned for my overcoat, seeing as it's chilly." He's right about the chill; you shiver as a draft flutters in through the screen door. You look down at your meager futon sheet and frown.
"How late is it?"
He glances outside. "Many hours until sunrise."

He leaves, and you wander outside with Kagome's white Hakui pulled tightly around your shoulders. Koga sits on a hill overlooking the campfire. Miroku is chatting quietly with Kagome while Inuyasha chases Shippo in widening circles and Sango dozes nearby.
You decide to phrase your question with pissing him off in mind.
"The fuck're you doing?" You ask, breaking the calm of the night. He turns, his face already irritated.
"Huh? Who the hell are you to talk to me like that, you little-"
You hold your hands up, your smile impossible to fight off of your face. Damn, he's so fucking easy. "Relax, bucko. Just a question."
He scoffs. "Yeah, right." He turns back to the campfire below. You step closer, standing beside him.
You say, "Here's an idea - go down there and talk to her."
"To who?"
He startles so hard that he pops his knees when his whole body goes rigid.
"Damn, Koga, what the fu-"
"You don't know what you're talkin' about, you damn - you damn-" he loses his train of thought and shoves you away. You stumble back, confused and defensive as he stalks off.

You find him brooding behind the hut, this time.
After a moment of quiet, he mumbles, "Sorry for shovin' you." His eyes are glued to his hands. He leans against the back wall of the hut, his butt in the grass. You look down at him for once.
"It's fine," you respond graciously, and when he looks up at you you ruin it. "Happens all the time. I'm actually everyone's personal pushing board, if you can believe-"
He's smiling. "Shut up, you damn fool."

The next morning, Koga decides to stay with your group as they bid you and Kagome goodbye until next weekend.
"Later, Inuyasha," she calls in an unreadable tone, and then a moment later she says, "Later, Miroku, Sango! I'll bring your candy next time Shippo, I promise." With that, she jumps feet first into the well.
You look at Koga, who stands at the back of the group. You don't know these other people. You say to him, "Until next time, Koga," and jump after her.

The Sight Of The Future: A Legacy (a Koga x Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now