Chapter Sixteen

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"Boss! You're home!" Oh. You look into the cave to find that it's the two bozos that were following Koga when you'd first met him.

"Where have you been?" Several choruses of agreement and concern ripple through the pack and you resist the urge to pet the nearest wolf behind the ears. God, but it's so fucking difficult. They're so damn soft-looking.

"Out. I brought some guests for you guys to fawn over while I finish up some stuff."

You side-eye him. "What kind of stuff?"

Koga stiffens. "Stuff stuff. Now shut up and let me do my stuff," he says adamantly, and you're swept away in the resulting crowd of humans and dogs and human-dogs so quickly that you can't give an argument against it. Damn, there must be sixty or seventy bodies here in all. You're starting to feel claustrophobic.

"Hey, HEY - we aren't done here!" you protest, but Koga's already off, disappearing in a wild burst of leaves and wind. You roll your eyes.

If he isn't going to stay here, then neither am I. "Come on Chihiro, let's get the fuck out of here."

"Master Koga isn't going to like that," pipes up one of the women in the back of the crowd. You can't see her from the corner they've you crowded into. Probably for the best; you're fairly sure that you'd knock her shit if you could.
"Master Koga can suck my dick. I'm leaving." You look around. "...Where is Chihiro?"

"The tiny one? Was she your familiar?"

You blink. "Familiar? Fuck no. She's my friend."

"Koga told us to 'take care of her' so that you wouldn't leave."

Alarm shudders to life in electricity down your spine. Your voice comes out a lot deeper than intended, but they seem to get your point better this way, so you suppose you can't complain. "Where is she?"

You all stand in relative silence before someone cracks under your glare. "She's on the mountain! Somewhere," they add.

"Yeah, that's really fucking helpful."

"Let's play a game!" One says, and the crowd parts for a small child to come through. You blink. He's awfully cute - can't be older than eight, with long, dark hair and the roundest fucking eyes you've ever seen. His tail is wagging.

You have to say that no, I just want to find my friend, but that isn't what comes out when you open your mouth. "What kind of game?"

"Hide and seek! If you find your friend, we'll let you leave." What is this, Coraline?

And if you don't... you have to stay forever? They can't possibly intend to hold you hostage here.

You need to test it.

"Alright," you say, and the kid perks. "I'll bite. How long do I have?"


You bolt the second they let you back to the entrance.

"Hey-" one of the older men calls, "Oi! Get back here!"

Grinning delightedly, you take the path towards the mountain's foot in bounds, calling, "CHIHIRO! Come on, let's get the fuck out of here!"

You hear the thundering of feet and look back to find half of the goddamn pack behind you and they all look pissed. You almost laugh. How could they keep a hostage and not expect it to try to escape at least once?

The shit part about you is that you'll probably succeed first try. You laugh at the mental image of what the whole ordeal must look like: a whole pack of demonic wolf people chasing after a single delinquent teenager who's yelling like a maniac.

"CHIHIRO!" You narrowly avoid eating dirt when your foot slips and you right yourself, your arms out for balance. "Now's not the time for games, damn it!"

You hear someone call, "Someone go get Master Koga!"


You spend the next several minutes smoking the ever-loving shit out of the tribe on their own fucking mountain as you steadily make your way to the foot of it. For some reason, you aren't weary - could it have to do with being in the sun?
Also - where the fuck could Chihiro possibly be? You must have covered at least half of the mountain by now.

You huff, a realization coming to you a little too late. Unless she's at the top, not at the bottom and FUCK! I'm stupid.

There's also the entire other side of the mountain.

"This is getting ridiculous," you grumble, coming to a full stop. The group stalls, hesitant of your intentions.
If you go around and then head up, it'll be two birds with one stone. You'll still have the group on your tail, though. And if you trip... game over.

You decide to take that chance.

You're halfway up the other side of the mountain when it starts to get cloudy. You frown, wondering what this will do to your seemingly endless solar-powered stamina.

"Arinaga!" You hear from behind you. Koga. You roll your eyes, continuing. "Don't ignore me! How long have you been at this?"

One of the pack members replies that it's been a little over an hour. Koga tells them to go rest and you take the opportunity to fuckin' book it up the incline.

"Arinaga! You're gonna pass out - wait, damnit!"

You have no idea what he's talking about. You feel great. Your skin is a little warm, but you're fine. Maybe a little sweaty, but fine. Man, you need a change of clothes. These jeans aren't gonna cut it. Didn't you pack a change of sports shorts in your bag?

"I'll wait when you tell me where Chihiro is!"

"She's been at the top with me the whole time! She's been in a tree resting, calm the hell down before you hurt yourself!"

"I'm fine though," you say, slowing to a stop. A cloud starts to blot out the sun. Koga looks up, his brow furrowed.

"You won't be," he murmurs ominously, and a shiver races down your spine. The world blots out in a muted shade of gray and all of the exhaustion that the sun had been keeping at bay hits you in a tidal wave, pulling you under. You fall to your knees before flopping onto your side, Koga's worried face the last thing you see before your vision blacks out.

The Sight Of The Future: A Legacy (a Koga x Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now