Chapter Three

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You arrive in the next town by midmorning. Chihiro looks exhausted.
"Can we..." she says, and you look over at her. A tree passes slowly behind her as you walk. "Can we rest, for a bit?"
You say that why yes we can but you really don't feel like it, honestly. Chihiro slumps onto the grass heavily and you feel a little guilty. Just a smidge. It doesn't last long; a whirlwind roars by with a yell of, "I'm comin' Kagome, don't you worry!" It's followed by two bozos wearing fur pelts scrambling to keep pace with it, both calling after it, "Wait up, boss!" And "Koga, slow down!"
You turn to Chihiro, who already seems to know what you're thinking. She scoffs.
"You can chase them. I'll catch up with you eventually."
You ask, "You sure?"
She nods tiredly and lays back, seeming to enjoy the greenery. Sunlight catches in her eyes, chartreuse. You take off to catch up with the whirlwind.
So maybe wearing combat boots to Kagome's house hadn't been the best idea. In your defense, you couldn't have possibly have known that you'd be sprinting after a dirt devil in some sort of backwater badlands for an undetermined amount of time. They're heavy and make a clunk clunk clunking sound as you sprint. The two lackeys watch as you pass them, shouting, "Hey, where are you going?" And "Slow down!" You ignore them and keep running.

You don't manage to catch up with the mini tornado before it sputters out, revealing a young man around your age with long black hair pulled back into a high ponytail and a swirl of leaves falling around him like confetti. He wears fur pelts like the two behind him and his ears, upon further inspection, are pointed. Hmm.
Man, this is weird. You pinch yourself. Nothing happens. Dang. You look around the clearing you're in for Kagome and strain your ears for her voice, but you can't really hear anything over this guy's hollering.
"I know you're here Inuyasha, I can smell you nearby!" That's... Kind of creepy. He continues. "Come out and let me see Kagome," he says, and you immediately hone in on him, "or I'll find her myself!"
You can't be more than ten feet from him. He hasn't noticed you yet. Another voice breaks into the clearing.
"Buzz off, Koga," the person spits, and another boy in red clothes with striking white hair pushes through the trees. His eyes are molten gold.
He looks very irritable.
"Inuyasha," a female voice chides, and you already know who it is. "Don't hassle him. He just wants to know if I'm alright!"
"What does it matter if he knows? I know and so do Lady Kaede and Sango and Miroku and Shippo. Those are all of the people who-"
You step forward. "Kagome," You say, and your voice is about three tones deeper than you had intended, "You'd best tell me what the fuck is going on here." Kagome looks over at you like a child caught lying.
"Arinaga?" You cross your arms. Koga turns to look at you, intrigued. Inuyasha stares daggers at Koga's turned head, grumbling to himself.
You boot taps noisily against the dirt. "Any day now," you tell her.
"It's hard to explain all at once," she admits. She looks confused. "How did you find us here?"
It's at that moment that the two dumbasses walk up to stand behind Koga, breathing heavily. "There's something back there - a demon! It tried to kill us!"
You don't know what they're referring to until Chihiro, barefoot and vexed, wanders into view. Her expression smooths out when she sees you.
"Arinaga!" She hurries to your side. "My apologies for taking so long."
You pat her on the shoulder in good humor. "Nice of you to join us."
The two doofuses are cowed behind Koga. Kagome looks startled and Inuyasha just looks confused. Chihiro bares her teeth at them and they recoil. "Fools," she mutters.

When you all gather in the nearest town, Koga asks for your name. Kagome has just finished explaining the Feudal Era to you - though she doesn't know how you managed to get here.
"What's it to you?"
He looks bemused, his lip curling dubiously. "Huh?" Eloquent.
You realize that perhaps your modern slang may not be common here. "Why do you want to know?"
He grunts, irked. His eyes are very blue when they flick down to you from the side. You swirl your noodles in your bowl with the chopsticks you've been given. He looks down at your hand holding the sticks.
"'Cause I wanna know," he snaps. "You got trust issues or somethin'?" You don't say anything because you do in fact have trust issues.
He stays quiet for a moment, watching you watch a couple of children kick a ball made of woven straw across the clearing in front of you. Kagome had explained her situation of the shattered jewel shard and the finding of its pieces and even described the nature of the Bone Eater's Well not too long beforehand. Now she sits inside, explaining you to her comrades. You can't be bothered to remember their names right now. You don't actually care, honestly, because you've been awake all night. Man, you want to sleep.
Koga nudges you with his elbow and you bolt upright. You snap, "What?"
"Aww, is the little human girl tired? I'm not surprised - of course you can't run with the big dogs." His smirk is sharp enough to kill a man. Luckily for you, so is your glare.
You narrow your eyes at him. Your presence swells sevenfold in the town clearing, and Chihiro turns right back around from where she'd been walking towards you to pointedly wander into the ramen stand. Your voice completely level, you say, "I'll kill you."

When Kagome emerges from the stand, you're physically trying to assault Koga. You've punched him in the stomach, which explains why he's hunched over, and as Kagome watches you Spartan kick him in the leg and he goes down in an airy puff of dirt. Chihiro watches amusedly.
"Cocky jackass," you grouse. "Hop off my dick."

The Sight Of The Future: A Legacy (a Koga x Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now