Chapter Ten

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Koga stands over Kagome, who hasn't lifted her gaze to meet his. He breathes heavily, and it becomes evident that he's worked himself up to say that one phrase - It's about you! - but Kagome doesn't respond. Koga continues, and you cringe inwardly at Kagome's startled lack of reaction. "I told you I was gonna marry you, and I intend to make good on that promise, Kagome. Kagome," he insists, and she reluctantly moves her gaze to somewhere near his collarbone. "I've had feelings for you since the day that I met you. I... I don't know what it is. It's somethin' about you, about your manner, that just... Gets me. I want it, want - you, with me. For the long run."

Kagome doesn't move. She looks him in the eye.

"I... Don't feel the same way, Koga," she murmurs, and you watch his face fall in slow motion. "I have someone... That I feel that way for. I want to pursue that person."

You look over at Inuyasha, who has just thrown a log into the fire. His expression is unreadable, even though everyone in the group probably knows who she's talking about. He turns and walks off, towards the forest. Your chest is tight at Koga's distress, and you know somehow that it's not your sympathy - it's Amaterasu's. She aches for Koga, and you feel yourself start to connect the dots.

Was Koga... In love with Amaterasu?

It's apparent that the goddess is fond of him - but were they... A thing?

Your thought is interrupted by Koga's voice, quiet and hurt, saying, "Okay," and his footsteps moving to fade out as he walks away. You snap your head to look up at his broad frame as his form shrinks in the distance.

Nobody moves. You demand, "So that's it? We just let him walk off?" You don't get a response. Kagome looks down at her hands.

Irritation rises in you, and the emotion isn't the goddess' this time. You're genuinely annoyed, and it forces you to say, "Fine. I'm going, too."

Fuck, what the hell are you thinking? Leaving? Where are you going? What're you going to do, follow Koga?

You already know the answer to that one.

Kagome calls after you, "Arinaga, wait! You don't know this world very well, I don't want you to-"

You cut her off, your backpack in hand. "I can handle myself." You head off in Koga's direction despite their protests.

You don't manage to catch up to Koga by daybreak, even at a brisk jog. The sun breaks through the overcast sky above and you stop for a rest. You have no idea where you're going; something in you just says east. It's a very urgent east, so you figure it must be right.

You're passing through a small village - no more than ten houses at most - when the ground shakes so violently that you nearly fall over. You stand in the middle of the road, your legs bent at the knees, trying to stay upright. An elderly woman opens the bamboo-curtain of her hut to call out to you.

"Ye need to get inside! The swarm's coming!"

You frown. The swarm? That sounds like something out of a Sci-Fi movie.

Something yanks you out of the road, pulling you away from the growing buzzing sound and into a shack nearby. You struggle in their grasp, and they release you the moment you're inside. You move back towards the door, but the stranger steps in to block your path. They wear a hooded cloak made of a heavy, billowing fabric, and you can only tell the shape of their shoulders to hint at their body type. They're wide, and the stranger is several inches taller than you are. You have to look up to see their covered face, covered by what looks like an oni mask. "It's dangerous," they say, and their voice is deep and quiet. It must be a man, you think. The frame and voice are too masculine to be otherwise.

"I'd rather risk it," you admit, hating the suspicious aura that he gives off.

"You'll die," he presses, and you shrug.

"Life goes on."

"What? No, it doesn't."

"Nevertheless, I'm going outside. Please move."

He squares his shoulders. "I won't. Just wait until the swarm passes."

You stare at him, unimpressed. "What's so bad about them? It's just a few bugs."

He doesn't respond for a moment before he cocks his head to the side. You figure that he made an expression under the mask before realizing that you couldn't see it. Hmm.

Maybe he hasn't been wearing the mask long?

He steps aside, and you raise an eyebrow, shouldering your backpack into a more comfortable position. "Thanks," you say, and push past the bamboo curtain to reveal complete blackness.

What the-

Oh, wait. Not complete blackness. Bright spots of yellow and dark, murky splashes of purple break the darkness, accompanied by the sound of an airplane engine amplified by a thousand. Your ribcage vibrates and the sun barely breaks the sensation of blindness.

Your ears feel like they're bleeding. A black blob breaks away from the group and approaches you and - oh, God.

What the fuck is that? It's a wasp the size of a football and its stinger is as red as pomegranate. You freeze. It's deadly to you regardless of whether or not it's venomous; you're allergic to wasps.

Oh God oh God oh God what the fuck why can't I move-

The stranger tugs you back into the hut and you clear your throat, thoroughly humbled.

"Well," you say, brushing fake lint off of your shirt, "I guess it does look a little cloudy out."

You spend another half-hour in the house with the stranger before the sky clears and sunlight filters through the slats of the blinds over the windows. He leads you back to the road and bids you safe passage, but you call after him. "Wait!" He turns. "Can I at least know your name?"

His head tilts slightly to the left. He mutters, "Er - Furuikawa." He scratches at the back of his neck behind the hood. "Yours?"

"Ishikawa," you say, because you're giving out last names. "See you around, Furuikawa." With that, you head back down the road, away from the dwelling.

The Sight Of The Future: A Legacy (a Koga x Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now