Imagine your mother telling you that you come from a long line of Shadowhunters but when really your from a different family the same family that Tessa Gray was born into and then expecting a little bit to much of higher expectations for her childre...
*About 3 1/2 weeks later in New York at the New York Institute one morning* ~Nadia Gray's POV~
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I've finally gotten better from my terrible fever thank goodness it took 3 1/2 weeks because it would get worse then it wouldn't get worse at all, since then my brother and his parabatai have been staying with us at the New York Institute and also since it was a nice day outside I decided to get dressed and go out for a walk and very well equipped with my weapons. Nadia's weapons:
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When I was out on the streets invisible to the mundanes I've missed so much being so busy running the Institute also as such happened I bought a hot dog for myself while I was walking past an alley way I heard crying I stopped and looked at the dirty alleyway I went in and saw 2 bodies laying beside one another and wooden box filled with newspaper which had a baby in it crying for its parents. I checked if the baby's parents were still alive but they weren't they were both dead their throats were slit then I saw Shadowhunter runes on there arms the two of them were former Shadowhunters they were protecting there baby. Pic of the baby:
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I burned the bodies without the people noticing as well I'm sure they did there job before they were killed by Circle Members then once the bodies were turned to ashes I went to where the baby was she was asleep I'm glad she's safe at least. So I picked her up and wrapped her up in the blanket that she her mother left for her as well also then I attached her to my chest and buckled her so she's safe and then once she was buckled and strapped to my chest I left the alleyway and went back to the Institute. Nadia fighting a man in an abandoned building: