Imagine your mother telling you that you come from a long line of Shadowhunters but when really your from a different family the same family that Tessa Gray was born into and then expecting a little bit to much of higher expectations for her childre...
*About 4 days later at the New York Institute with Nadia and the team* ~Nobody's POV~ It's been a few days since there mission to find Jace they found him at the docks with Valentine and his men of circle members but they managed to squeeze as much information as they could before the team was compromised, now they're back at the New York Institute replanning and rethinking their strategy Nadia is more concerned about the Institutes all over the world especially in London. ~Nadia Gray's POV~
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I was getting dressed for the morning as well as preparing Jewel's milk bottle when Alec came into my bedroom he had a letter from his parents about coming to visit us sometime soon, then after feeding and burping Jewel the 3 of them walked towards the training room to see Izzy and Clary training but her training wasn't going anywhere so I looked at Alec and said" I think me, you, and Izzy need to show Clary how a Shadowhunter trains and the stealth we need when we go on missions," then Isabelle smiled and said"That's a great idea Nadia," so we 3 prepared different stages of for Clary so she's a true Shadowhunter legend like her parents. Play video:
Once we finished setting up the training course against Alec, Izzy, and I were thinking who was gonna train Clary first that's when Clary spoke up and said"I want Izzy to train me first," so Alec and I watched Clary train with Izzy as Jewel was playing in her play pen as I watched on how well Clary does. So then as such happened Jewel needed a diaper change so I went to the nearby bathroom with the diaper bag and everything needed and took care of her dirty diaper by putting it into a plastic bag and then throwing it away as I put rash cream on her bottom so it doesn't hurt. *About 4 hours later in the training room* ~Nobody's POV~ In the training room 4 hours later Clary was exhausted from training with Izzy and Alec so far they were having a break before Nadia put Jewel down for her 1:30 pm nap before Alec and Izzy watched as Nadia and Clary fought on the obstacle course they made 4 hours ago and Clary is learning quickly just like her mother did when she was that age. ~Alec Lightwood's POV~
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