Imagine your mother telling you that you come from a long line of Shadowhunters but when really your from a different family the same family that Tessa Gray was born into and then expecting a little bit to much of higher expectations for her childre...
* A few days later after Clary's arrival at the Institute the next morning* ~ Nadia Gray's POV~ I woke up probably at 7:30 a.m. and got to shower before getting dressed into something comfortable, needing to eat breakfast not trying to wake anyone else up most of them aren't morning people but this gives me time to finish some of the paper work I didn't get to last night. But I didn't notice that my mother before she died with my father protecting her and him she slipped an old photograph book in my bag with a letter. I'll check it out later. Nadia's outfit:
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~Alec Lightwood's POV~ I woke up probably at 7:35 a.m. and got to shower before getting dressed into something comfortable, needing to eat breakfast not trying to wake anyone else up most of them aren't morning people but this gives me time to finish some of the paper work I didn't get to last night. As next head of the New York Institute I need to learn how to handle problems that would ruin my family's name. I'm just hoping nobody else is up yet. Alec's outfit:
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*About 3 hours later at 10:36 a.m. at the Institute that same morning* ~Clary Fray's POV~ Jace, Simon, Isabelle, and I were finally awake at sleeping in some more we got dressed but couldn't find Alec or Nadia anywhere until we all found Hodge in the control area. That's when we asked if he'd seen Alec or Nadia and he told us to follow him so we did, all of us heard noises of metal clashing against one another. ~Isabelle Lightwood's POV~ Alec and Nadia are probably training together it's been ages since they last spared together they wanna see whose better in hand to hand combat as well as weapon combat. ~Jace Wayland's POV~ Nadia and Alec probably finished all of their paperwork already and had breakfast before going out into the courtyard to train with each other to see whose the better Shadowhunter. Jace, Isabelle, and Clary:
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