Imagine your mother telling you that you come from a long line of Shadowhunters but when really your from a different family the same family that Tessa Gray was born into and then expecting a little bit to much of higher expectations for her childre...
*At the New York Institute a few weeks later one spring morning* ~Nadia Gray's POV~
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It's been a few weeks since my brother and his Parabatai made the vow that Parabatai's make when we find our partners and make that vow in front of witnesses. So then I got dressed and went to the training room where Clary was training by herself but she needs some work on her hand to hand combat a lot I should just have Jace or Izzy do this but there not morning people neither am I but here I am. I've always been unfeeling well but chose to ignore it against my better judgement, I've recently had a letter from Harry he and Henry were at the London Institute defending the vault that holds my family's ancient weapons and everything they ever owned and a few jewels that were meant for there descendants. Clary was day dreaming not realizing that she zoned out and I landed her on her butt twice in a row she needs to concentrate more so I pulled my stele out and glamoured myself as Jace which makes me sound and look like him as well also. This should be fun. ~Clary Fray's POV~
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It's been a few weeks since Harry and his Parabatai made the vow that Parabatai's make when we find our partners and make that vow in front of witnesses. So then I got dressed and went to the training room where I was training by myself but Nadia saw me and she knows that I need some work on my hand to hand combat a lot I should just have Jace or Izzy do this but there not morning people neither am I but here I am. Nadia has been unfeeling well but chose to ignore it against my better judgement, she's recently had a letter from Harry he and Henry were at the London Institute defending the vault that holds there family's ancient weapons and everything they ever owned and a few jewels that were meant for there descendants. Not realizing that I zoned out Nadia landed me on my butt twice in a row. When I looked up I saw Jace and then I looked around wondering where Nadia was at then "Jace" said" Oh my sister she forgot her water bottle in the kitchen so she asked me to help you," then we trained for what seemed like 4 hours. Suddenly Jace comes into the training room I was confused now. Play video:
~Jace Wayland's POV~
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It's been a few weeks since Harry and his Parabatai made the vow that Parabatai's make when we find our partners and make that vow in front of witnesses. I need some work on my hand to hand combat a lot I saw Nadia and Clary training I know Nadia is thinking that she should just have Me or Izzy do this but were not morning people neither am I but here I am. When I woke up and got dressed I went down to the training room where I found myself and Clary training then I smirked and then decided to play along with Nadia who disguised herself as me then Clary stopped and said"Jace I thought you weren't a morning person," then Nadia stood beside me and the two of us talked at the same time let's see if she can figure whose the real Jace Wayland. My sister also looked pale and looked unwell she then left the room after Clary figured out which one is the real Jace. ~Nadia Gray's POV~
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I was still feeling unwell and decided to then leave the room after Clary figured out which one is the real Jace once I left the room I realized that my room is on the other side of the Institute then as I walked I ran into Izzy who took me into the library after realizing that I don't look well. I bet Alec wouldn't care that his childhood best friend/ crush was ill or not he's too busy running this incredible place on his own. Nadia's outfit:
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While I was in the library I wrote a letter to Harry and Henry hoping that the two of them are doing well in defending the London Institute. Afterwards I left the room and walked like I was probably drunk and walked to my room I was like halfway there when I ran into a hard ab body I then looked up to see Alec he looked sleep deprived. I walked around him and continued to walk I could hear Izzy and Alec talking while I walked to my room, so then as such happened I was just at my door when I collapsed onto the wooden floor boards. And my vision turned black... Nadia unconscious:
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*End of Chapter 14: Clary and Nadia's training/Nadia catches a fever*