Imagine your mother telling you that you come from a long line of Shadowhunters but when really your from a different family the same family that Tessa Gray was born into and then expecting a little bit to much of higher expectations for her childre...
*A week and a half later in the New York City Institute one morning with Nadia* ~Nadia Gray's POV~
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It's been a week and a half since I've been told that Jace was working with Valentine and his men now my team has been given a mission to kill my brother, so then with that I got dressed into a nice outfit before going to see Jewel who was now 1 years old. When I walked into the nursery room which was connected to my own room I saw Jewel already standing up in her crib smiling at me when she saw Momma coming into the room. So then once I changed her outfit, diaper, fed her the morning bottle, brushed her hair, tied her hair into a small bun, and placed her shoes on we both went to to find Alec he's either in the office, his room, or he's training this morning. Play video:
Pic of Jewel:
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*Inside of Alec's office that same morning with Nadia and Jewel going to visit him* ~Alec Lightwood's POV~
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I was busy preparing for our next mission that Nadia, Izzy, Clary, and myself were going on my mother and Magnus will watch Jewel in the time that we are gone as I sat at the computer pulling up surveillance cameras in New York Nadia came into the room and she had Jewel in her arms smiling like a happy baby that she was. Then Nadia held Jewel and said"Jewel look there's Daddy," and yes you have heard right "Daddy" she only ever started calling me that when she first learned how too talk a few weeks ago. Currently I was planning our escape routes as well as how to get in and out of Valentine's ship and territory when Jewel was on my lap I bounced my leg to keep her occupied while Nadia was looking over the plans helping me out, so then with that happening I played with her as Nadia made some adjustments to the plans. ~Nadia Gray's POV~