Chapter 6|Upendi pt.1

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{Please tell me if there is still their original names typed up rather then Y/n ,Damian ,F/n ,M/n ,G/F/n ,Athanasia ,Talia and Mara.}
Authors POV
Y/n and Damian are lying on their backs, watching the clouds and giggling
"See that? See that? Look at that! It's really pretty."
"What? Oh yeah! Um-- look... there's one that looks like a baby rabbit. See the fluffy tail?" Y/n answers back.
"Yeah... hey! There's one that looks like two lions killing each other for a scrap of meat!"
Damian laughs; this isn't Y/n's cup of tea, and she grimaces.
"Ah, I've never done this before."
"Really? My father and I used to do this all the time. He says all the great Kings of the past are up there."
"You think Ras is up there?"
They look at each other; Damian gets up and moves off.
"No one here thinks he's very great... do they?
He wasn't my father, but he was still... {he sighs gently} part of me."
"My father said there was a... a darkness in Scar that he couldn't escape."
"Maybe there's a darkness in me too."
Y/n puts her hand on Damian's, and they nuzzle each other.
While that was happening F/n was watching from a hill some distance away. He addresses the sky.
"Father... I am lost. Damian is one of them. Ras' heir. How can I accept him?"
M/n approaches from behind.
"F/n?" She questioned
"I was... seeking counsel from the Great Kings." He answered her
"Did they help?"
"{sighs} Silent as stars. My father would never--
"Oh, F/n... you want so much to walk the path expected of you. Perhaps Damian does not." M/n said as she cut him off.
"surprised} What? How do you know what--"
"{chuckles} I can see them down there just as easily as you can. Get to know them and see."
She turns and walks off; after a moment of hesitation, F/n follows. Back down to Y/n and Damian. She is nuzzling him, but he pulls away clearing his throat. (They have transformed into lion btw)
"What's wrong?" Y/n asks
"It's just that... my whole life I've been trained to... {he stops} Nothing. I gotta go. {turns and walks off}"
"Damian-- wait."
Damian pauses a moment, and looks back at Y/n's face, staring back at him; he looks away and moves to continue, but is stopped by Rafiki's finger pointing up from the grass.
"And where are you going?" Rafiki questioned him
"Nuhh... nowhere." Damian answered.
"{springing up} That's what you think!" He answered Damian's answer.
Rafiki slips under Damian and vanishes in the grass.
"confused} Who was that?" Damian asked.
"Uh... {amused, slightly apologetic} friend of the family."
Damian looks back and finds Rafiki lying on his back. Rafiki slips off and darts away, tugging Damian's tail and laughing.
"Come on! You follow old Rafiki; he knows the way!"

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